What is the repo/project about?
- Our project is a web application for Reuse Vandy that seeks to streamline the way purchases are made while minimizing extraneous information
- Desired features:
- Landing page that displays recent listings
- Search functionality to identify specific items
- Ability to list products
- Bidding functionality that displays real-time price of products
- Review functionality where users can provide their experiences with buyers and sellers
- Profiles for buyers and sellers that displays their buying/selling history + reviews
- Notifications where users can select items their interested in and receive notifications to their specified frequency
- Repo organization:
- Divided into front end and back end
Project Framework:
- Front end - ReactJS
- Back end - Node.js
- Web server framework - Express
- Database - MySQL
- Object relational mapping (ORM) - Sequelize
- Deployment - AWS EC2, AWS RDS, S3 Object Storage
- Documentation - Notion
- Cloud based repo/DevOps - GitHub
- Team communication - iMessage, two weekly stand-ups + class meeting