Modern Dependency Injection for Python.
Wireup is a performant, concise, and easy-to-use dependency injection container for Python 3.8+.
- Inject services and configuration.
- Interfaces and abstract classes.
- Factory pattern.
- Singleton and transient dependencies.
- Framework-agnostic.
- Apply the container anywhere as a decorator.
- Service Locator.
- Simplified use with Django, Flask, and FastAPI.
- Share service layer between cli and api.
Example showcasing a Redis wrapper and a weather service that calls an external API and caches results as needed.
1. Set up
from wireup import container, initialize_container
def create_app():
app = ...
# ⬇️ Start the container: Register and initialize services.
# Parameters serve as application/service configuration.
"redis_url": os.environ["APP_REDIS_URL"],
"weather_api_key": os.environ["APP_WEATHER_API_KEY"]
# Top-level modules containing service registrations.
return app
2. Register services
Use a declarative syntax to describe services, and let the container handle the rest.
from wireup import service, Inject
@service # ⬅️ Decorator tells the container this is a service.
class KeyValueStore:
# Inject the value of the parameter during creation. ⬇️
def __init__(self, dsn: Annotated[str, Inject(param="redis_url")]):
self.client = redis.from_url(dsn)
def get(self, key: str) -> Any: ...
def set(self, key: str, value: Any): ...
@dataclass # Can be used alongside dataclasses to simplify init boilerplate.
class WeatherService:
# Inject the value of the parameter to this field. ⬇️
api_key: Annotated[str, Inject(param="weather_api_key")]
kv_store: KeyValueStore # ⬅️ This will be injected automatically.
def get_forecast(self, lat: float, lon: float) -> WeatherForecast:
3. Inject
Decorate targets where the library should perform injection.
from wireup import container
# ⬇️ Decorate functions to perform Dependency Injection.
# Optional in views with Flask or FastAPI integrations.
def get_weather_forecast_view(weather_service: WeatherService, request):
return weather_service.get_forecast(, request.lon)
Many projects have a web application as well as a cli in the same project which provides useful commands.
Wireup makes it extremely easy to share the service layer between them without code duplication.
Extract from maldoinc/wireup-demo, showing the same service being used in a Flask view as well as in a Click command. Imports omitted for brevity.
With the Flask integration, @container.autowire
can be omitted.
# blueprints/"/")
def create_post(post_service: PostService) -> Response:
new_post = post_service.create_post(PostCreateRequest(**flask.request.json))
return jsonify(new_post.model_dump())
Click CLI
# commands/
def create_post(title: str, contents: str, post_service: PostService) -> None:
post = post_service.create_post(
click.echo(f"Created post with id: {}")
def cli() -> None:
if __name__ == "__main__":
Typer CLI
Typer functions a bit differently in that it won't allow unknown arguments in the function signature, so we have to use the wireup container as a service locator.
cli = typer.Typer()
def create_post(title: str, contents: str) -> None:
# Using container.get(T) returns an instance of that type.
post = container.get(PostService).create_post(
typer.echo(f"Created post with id: {}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
initialize_container(wireup.container, service_modules=[services], parameters=get_config())
# Install using poetry:
poetry add wireup
# Install using pip:
pip install wireup
For more information check out the documentation
A demo flask application is available at maldoinc/wireup-demo