an 8 puzzle game with an ability to solve 8-puzzle-problem up to 20 Vertical-Horizontal move of no-number-plate(the plate with no number on it).
Here I used DFS (Deep first Search) algorithm to find a solution but not always the best solution, (because of the DFS method that will not find the most optimal solution).
Note: do not use Random button and next Path Finding and then expect the algorithm to find a solution.
This is not gonna happen because most of the times, Random button will mess up the whole scene and the generated problem is not solvable at all but cause you can move Diagonal, you can solve it by yourself and it is fun.
Mess up the scene with vertical and horizontal moves around no number black square. (maximum 20 moves, not more than that)
Then press Path Finding button and wait.
If algorithm finishes solving the problem, will show a congratulation and left side buttons are accessible after that, If not, you just lost a long time till the algorithm finishes with no answer.
You can use Step+ to move forward to solving and Step- to backward the solving or Automate to see the solving steps automatically.