Live: Favorite Fonts Website
@maknetaRo - Magdalena Rosłaniec
This app was created in HTML, CSS and vanilla JavaScript. It's a clone of Google Fonts. The website was created for the Chingu solo project.
- Header with minor navigation (Logo and Catalog/Featured/Articles/About link list)
- Nav with Major navigation / page-manipulation (search, custom text, font-size, dark/light mode, grid/list mode, and reset)
- Main section to contain the font cards
- Font cards which display the Font Name, the font creator, the sample text, and an add button
- Footer section with your developer information
- Sample text in each card should be displayed in the corresponding font
- Buttons/links should be evident (make sure the cursor changes, etc.)
- Implement a way to handle overflow from sample text in font cards, as the font size is adjustable
- Text typed into the custom text (type something) box should immediately change the sample text displayed in each font card
- The sample text should return to the default sample if the input box (type something) no longer has any input (ex. input == "")
- Font size chooser should have at least four sizes and should immediately change the sample text font size in each font card
- Implement the clickable 'reset' icon on the far right of the major navigation; it should make the page appear as if the user reloaded the page (do not actually reload the page)
- Your repo needs to have a robust
- Make sure that there are no errors in the developer console before submitting
Extras (Not Required)
- Include a back-to-top button that allows users to scroll to the top once the top of the page is out of view
- Make your design fully responsive (small/large/portrait/landscape, etc.)
- Implement the light/dark mode toggle buttons
- Implement the change display icon so you can flip between a grid and list layout for the font cards