A battery interrupter is a simple, affordable device that enables you to switch adapt many battery powered electronics devices and toys. The battery interrupt is slipped in between the batteries or battery and battery terminal, breaking the circuit until a switch is attached and closed.
This device is a battery interrupter based on a flexible PCB with a mono/stereo 3.5 mm audio jack.
The original design was created by Dale Grover which is called Flex_Battery_Interrupter_200.
The shorter model was created to offer an even more affordable option which is called Flex_Battery_Interrupter_100.
The difference between the two models is simply the length of the battery interrupter.
The design files for the two models are available and can be found using following links:
- Flex_Battery_Interrupter_100 (100 mm x 34 mm)
- Flex_Battery_Interrupter_200 (203.3 mm x 34.3 mm)
Flex_Battery_Interrupter_Jack_Case provides additional support for both Flex PCB and the 3.5mm jack.
The following documents will guide you through the build process:
- Flex_Battery_Interrupter_Maker_Checklist
- Flex_Battery_Interrupter_Tools_List
- Flex_Battery_Interrupter_PCB_Fabrication_Guide
- Flex_Battery_Interrupter_Assembly_Guide
The gerber files are available to be sent out to your favorite PCB fabrication company. You can use the following settings when you order your Flex PCBs:
Layers: 2 Layers
Thickness: 0.2 mm
Min Track/Spacing: 2/2mil
Min Hole Size: 0.15 mm
Finished Copper:1 oz
Stiffener: Without
3M Tape: without
EMI shielding film: without
Board type: Single piece
- Flex_Battery_Interrupter_100 (100 mm x 34 mm)
- Flex_Battery_Interrupter_200 (203.3 mm x 34.3 mm)
The main component of Flex Battery Interrupter is a 3.5mm Stereo Jack which is listed in Flex_Battery_Interrupter_BOM.
Dale Grover contributed to the inital idea and design of the battery interrupter using a flexible PCB.
The PCB, 3D printable jack enclosure, and all documentation was completed by Makers Making Change.
Copyright (c) 2022 Neil Squire / Makers Making Change.
This repository describes Open Hardware:
- Everything needed or used to design, make, test, or prepare the Flex Battery Interrupter is licensed under the CERN 2.0 Weakly Reciprocal license (CERN-OHL-W) .
- Accompanying material such as instruction manuals, videos, and other copyrightable works that are useful but not necessary to design, make, test, or prepare the Ivy Nunchuck Joystick Adapter are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 license (CC BY-SA 4.0) .
You may redistribute and modify this documentation and make products using it under the terms of the CERN-OHL-W v2 (https:/cern.ch/cern-ohl). This documentation is distributed WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, INCLUDING OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Please see the CERN-OHL-W v2 for applicable conditions.
Source Location: https://github.com/makersmakingchange/Flex-Battery-Interrupter
Makers Making Change is a program of Neil Squire, a Canadian non-profit that uses technology, knowledge, and passion to empower people with disabilities.
Makers Making Change leverages the capacity of community based Makers, Disability Professionals and Volunteers to develop and deliver affordable Open Source Assistive Technologies.
- Website: www.MakersMakingChange.com
- GitHub: makersmakingchange
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- Thingiverse: makersmakingchange
- Printables: MakersMakingChange
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