- Install Visual Studio (make sure to include Desktop development with C++ module)
- Install CUDA
- Download cuDNN and copy it's files to CUDA installation folder
- Install Anaconda and create a conda env
- Install Microsoft MPI
Install the followings in the env:
- conda install -c conda-forge opencv
- conda install -c conda-forge cmake
- pip install dlib --verbose (or you can alternatively install it manually ⊞↓)
- conda install -c conda-forge kivy
- conda install -c anaconda pandas
- conda install -c conda-forge pytables
- conda install -c anaconda tensorflow-gpu
- conda install -c anaconda cupy
- pip install mpi4py
Optional packages:
- conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab
- conda install -c anaconda pylint
- conda install -c conda-forge yapf
- conda install -c conda-forge openpyxl
download dlib from dlib.net and unzip it in your env folder
dlib ->(from terminal go to unziped folder of dlib and run this: python setup.py install)