This is an e-commerce web application built with the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack. The application includes features like user authentication, product search, cart management, and handling of ordered and refunded products.
User Authentication: Secure login and signup functionality.
Product Search: Search products and view product details.
Cart Management: Add and remove products from the cart.
Order Management: View ordered and refunded products.
Responsive Design: Fully responsive layout for all devices.
Frontend: React.js
Backend: Node.js, Express.js , Razorpay
Database: MongoDB
Styling: CSS, CSS Modules
npm or yarn
1.git clone
1. cd server
2. npm install
3. cd ../client
4. npm install
Create a .env file in the server directory and add the following environment variables:
RAZORPAY_KEY_SECRET=your_razorpay_key_secret `
1. cd server
2. npm start
3. cd ../client
4. npm start
POST /api/v1/signup - Register a new user
POST /api/v1/login - Authenticate user and get token
GET /api/v1/getkeyid - Get Razorpay Key ID
POST /api/v1/capturepayment - Capture payment
POST /api/v1/refundpayment - Refund payment
GET /api/v1/fetchallpayments - Fetch all payments
GET /api/v1/getpaymentdetails/:id - Get payment details by ID
GET /api/v1/fetchcarddetails - Fetch card details
POST /api/v1/paymentverification - Verify payment
POST /api/v1/addtocart - Add product to cart
DELETE /api/v1/removefromcart - Remove product from cart
POST /api/v1/showcartitems - Show all cart items
POST /api/v1/orderedproducts - Show all ordered products
POST /api/v1/refundedproducts - Show all refunded products
Feel free to submit issues or pull requests if you have suggestions or improvements.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.