by Meidi Airouche
docker-compose up -d
Check if Kafka service is running on port 29092
nc -z localhost 29092
It should return
Connection to localhost port 29092 [tcp/*] succeeded!
You can also check that Kafka logged a start
docker-compose logs kafka | grep -i started
Check if Zookeeper service is running on port 22181
nc -z localhost 22181
It should return
Connection to localhost port 22181 [tcp/*] succeeded!
Convoy the more people you can calling for the elevator in a given timeframe (5min for example). The constraints are the following :
- People are calling for the elevator every 5 to 10 secs
- The elevator takes 1 sec to go from one floor to another
- The elevator takes a pause of 1 sec when people enter
- The elevator takes a pause of 1 sec when people out