While reading the book called "Cracking the Coding Interview", I've been implementing some basic concepts in this book and uploaded them to this repo for my reference.
Checkout ***Questions-Solutions***. I tried to provide solutions in C++ STL, Python, and Lisp.
Here are some important question as well as their solutions:
Q1. Find the most frequently occurring item in an array.
Q2. Find common elements in two sorted arrays.
Q3. Find out if one array is a rotation of another array.
Q1. Assign numbers in Minesweeper.
Q2. Find where to expand in Minesweeper.
Q3. Rotate a matrix by 90 degrees.
Q4. Rotate a matrix by 90 degrees in-place.
Q1. Find the non-repeating character.
Q2. Find out if two strings are one edit away.
Q1. Find the N-th element of a linked list.
Q2. Find out if a Binary tree is a Binary Search Tree.
Q3. Find the Lowest Common Ancestor.