Live Website: Today I Learned
Today I Learned is a fact-sharing web application where users can share various facts on different topics they have learned.
- Users can post facts based on their interests.
- Users can read facts shared by others.
- Can add or read facts about a specific category.
- Users can interact with the facts others share by giving likes, loves or dislikes. Thus they can let others know what they think about any specific point.
- React v18
- React Router v6
- TanStack Query
- React Hook Form
- Node
- Express Js
- MongoDB
- React Bootstrap
- AOS Animation
- Mobile-first workflow
- Use React, React Router for build the project
- Use Node, Express, MongoDB for server side
- Create interactive UI
While doing this project gave me a fresh overview of basic react, react-router, TanStack Query, Node, Express js, MongoDB and much more. Specially Mongodb CRUD operation. Now I have enough understanding about these topics and I am confident about it.