This contract extends the Snip-721 reference implementation.
The new functions implemented are:
- SetSaleStatus: This function is used to set the sale status of a token to either ForSale or NotForSale. The price can also be optionally set in this function. If no price is provided the price is set to 0. Only owner of token can perform this function. Returns the token_id and sale_status in the data field of HandleResponse. Token id whose sale status has been changed can be viewed in the logs returned by HandleResponse as well.
- SetPrice: This function is used to set or update the price of the token. The function throws an error if 0 is provided as a price. The price is set only when the sale status is set to ForSale. Only owner of the token can perform this function. Returns token_id and token_price in data field of HandleResponse. Token id whose price has been changed can be viewed in the logs returned by HandleResponse as well.
- BuyToken: This function is used to buy a token. Returns token_id, buyer and the price for which the token was bought in the data field of HandleResponse. Anyone can buy the token if it is up for sale and if correct amount has been provided. After the execution of this function, the buyer will become the new owner of the token. A token which is not up for sale, or non-transferable and whose price is 0 cannot be bought. If this is the secondary sale of the token being bought, then the respective royalties will be dedcuted from the price. Also 2% marketplace fee deduction will be carried out on all purchases. Note: If no default royalty of the contract has been set and no custom royalty of the token has been provided while minting the token, then only the marketplace fee is deducted from the price of the token. If custom royalty has been set by the minter then it will take precedence over the default royalty of the contract. If no custom royalty has been set but default royalty exists then default royalty will be deducted from the price of token.
- Withdraw: This function is used to transfer the whole contract balance to the receiver_addr and can only be called by the admin.
- TokensForSale: Returns a list of token_ids which are currently up for sale.
- SaleInfo: Returns a token's sale status and its price.
- BatchReceiveNft: Is called by a snip721 contract whenever it sends nfts to our contract.
- RegisterContractWithSnip721: Registers our contract with another snip721 contract.
- After instantiating the contract, mint a token by calling the mint_nft function. E.g.
secretcli tx compute execute $CONTRACT '{"mint_nft": {"token_id":"1","transferable":true}}' --from keplr --keyring-backend test
To mint a token along with custom royalty use command
secretcli tx compute execute $CONTRACT '{"mint_nft": {"token_id":"2","royalty_info":{"decimal_places_in_rates":2,"royalties":[{"recipient":"<recipient address>","rate":2}]},"transferable":true}}' --from --keyring-backend test
- Set the sale status of a token by calling set_sale_status function. You can also set the price in this function. However, if the status that is being set is not_for_sale then the price is always set to 0 whether you provide the price or not. E.g.
secretcli tx compute execute $CONTRACT '{"set_sale_status": {"token_id":"1","sale_status":"for_sale","price":1}}' --from keplr --keyring-backend test
- To set or update the price call set_price function. E.g.
secretcli tx compute execute $CONTRACT '{"set_price": {"token_id":"1","price":3}}' --from keplr --keyring-backend test
- To buy a token use this command:
secretcli tx compute execute $CONTRACT '{"buy_token": {"token_id":"1"}}' --amount 1000000uscrt --from bob --keyring-backend test
- Check the current sale status of a token by querying the contract with sale_info. E.g.
secretcli query compute query $CONTRACT '{"sale_info": {"token_id":"1"}}'
- Query current list of tokens up for sale by calling tokens_for_sale. E.g.
secretcli query compute query $CONTRACT '{"tokens_for_sale":{}}'
- Withdraw funds
secretcli tx compute execute $CONTRACT '{"withdraw": {"receiver_addr":"secret1mhhxs2pkungpw73x0hlhscpzwyxuel3q6wsvka"}}' --from keplr --gas 10000000 --gas-prices=1.0uscrt --keyring-backend test
- Set default royalty of contract by editing the following example
secretcli tx compute execute $CONTRACT '{"set_royalty_info": {"royalty_info":{"decimal_places_in_rates":2,"royalties":[{"recipient":"<recipient_address>","rate":2}]}}}' --from --keyring-backend test
These are the transaction hashes generated from the above procedure for contract secret18sxfzndk6hy4czu54ncv0aynfc22s46d5tyx9h and code_id 15218 for the execution messages. The contract admin is secret1f2xhf3ruydr7latjyypx6x08enattstqdertks
- 22BFEEB76552565775BA03BDCC99AEB1F657D5C3986E2DA537A965A97D6093C8
- 9DEA967A881148636BAFDBAFE837603A8120B2F023CA2AF7AE27E2F2445C60CE
- 8D812545824A57DBB2560C133094DFDDCE6365D1D6EC53E5D8CAD5B7FF3D4DF6
- B1B016A195E48D5B96E5025B8D3B716C1CAE1EE75232D9D2C297D011AFBF581C
- If you create wallet addresses on the old version of secretcli, the addresses wont work for deployment and instantiation of contracts on the latest version of pulsar-2. You need to create new wallet addresses on the latest version of secretcli.
- Scrt faucet
- Pulsar-2 block explorer
- Available endpoints
- The contract is currently designed to only work with uscrt denom.