This repository contains source code for various experiments to explore the feasibility of using a multi-modal approach, inspired by DALL-E mini, to generate images using news headlines and captions. The model is trained on a dataset of news articles with the corresponding images.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Newsgen uses VisualNews dataset. It contains a large collection of news stories from The Guardian, BBC, USA Today, and The Washington Post. It has over one millon news images along with associated news articles, image captions, author information, and other metadata. To read more, visit VisualNews : A Large Multi-source News Image Dataset.
We stored a copy of VisualNews dataset in the Google Storage Bucket. If you have access to it, you can download it as follows:
- Access to storage bucket containing the dataset
- 100 GB free disk space to download. 300 GB recommended as it is needed later for processing.
# Create a directory to download data
mkdir ./data
# Replace 'my-bucket' with the actual bucket containing the dataset
gsutil cp gs://my-bucket/VisualNews/articles.tar.gz ./data
gsutil cp gs://my-bucket/VisualNews/origin.tar ./data
If you don't have access to our storage bucket, visit VisualNews-Repository to find instructions to request and download the dataset.
The downloaded dataset requires some preprocessing before we can use it.
Run the following commands to process the data. Processing will take about 40 minutes.
- VisualNews dataset: articles.tar.gz and origin.tar files
- 300 GB free disk space
- 8 CPUs with 30 GB RAM
cd src
# --dataset : directory containing articles.tar.gz and origin.tar files
# --data_root: directory to save processed data
python --dataset ./data --data_root ./data
Initially, we planned to scrape news articles to create our own custom dataset. However, if we encountered many issues, especially deciding which image to use as the main image as news articles have multiple images including images related to ads. Given the limited time, we decided to use the VisualNews dataset.
Steps to run the news crawler are as follows:
cd news_crawler/crawler
npm install
npm run build
npm run start -- --crawl-config ./crawl-input.json --dir-path ./data
Before we train or fine-tune VQGAN, we need to download few pre-trained models.
- Download VQGAN checkpoint pre-trained on ImageNet. See for more details.
- Download LPIPS pre-trained model. See for more details.
cd src
mkdir pretrained
# Move downloaded checkpoints in ./pretrained
Preprocess the downloaded pre-trained model
sh python python -m lightning.pytorch.utilities.upgrade_checkpoint ./pretrained/vqgan.ckpt
To start training/fine-tuning:
# OR
# python --dataset ./data/visual_news_mini --val_every_n_steps 100 --log_every_n_steps 100 --epochs 5
NOTE: If you get a RuntimeError: tensorflow/compiler/xla/xla_client/ : Missing XLA configuration
error on GCP, just do pip uninstall torch_xla
By default, VQGAN trainer stores logs to logs
directory. To visualize in Tensorboard, run:
tensorboard --logdir ./logs
To evaluate the fine-tuned VQGAN, run the following Jupyter notebook:
Before we train the decoder, let's encode our dataset to speed up the training.
sh python
To start training:
cd src
python --epochs 5 --warmup_steps 4000 --total_steps 40000
By default, the trainer stores logs to logs
directory. To visualize in Tensorboard, run:
tensorboard --logdir ./logs
To evaluate the decoder, run the following Jupyter notebook: