This module will install and configure InfluxDB 1.x.
This module works on Debian- and RHEL-based OS'es.
This module depends on the toml gem, which has to be installed on the puppetmaster.
It can be installed via puppet, like this (using this module):
package { 'toml':
ensure => 'installed',
provider => 'puppetserver_gem',
class { '::influxdb':
admin_username => <admin username>,
admin_password => <admin password>,
configuration => {
'data' => {
'dir' => '/mnt/influxdb/data',
'wal-dir' => '/mnt/influxdb/wal',
'max-series-per-database' => 0,
'max-values-per-tag' => 0,
'[udp]' => {
'enabled' => true,
'bind-address' => ':8090',
'database' => 'metrics',
'batch-pending' => 1024,
'read-buffer' => 33554432,
databases => {
'prometheus' => {
'ensure' => present,
users => {
'grafana' => {
'password' => 'asdfghjkl!"§"!"$',
'prometheus' => {
'password' => 'asdfghjkl!"§"!"$',
influxdb::database { 'metrics': }
influxdb::user { 'grafana_user':
password => 'mySuperSecretPassWORD',
privilege => 'READ',
database => 'metrics',
# Note: for durations, InfluxDB converts the duration literals to something else. Write that something else in puppet.
influxdb::retention_policy { '1YearRetention':
database => 'prometheus',
duration => '8640h0m0s',
http_auth is automatically enabled and configured.
An admin account will automatically be created with the parameters passed to the main class: influxdb::admin_username
and influxdb::admin_password
This admin account is the one used in puppet, to manage all resources