A build file I wrote to help speed up the packaging, testing and deployment of my Joomla! components.
* Zips your component into a nbproject/package/${name}.zip file
* SFTPs your components files into the proper directories as long as remote.directory is set properly
(You do that in your project configuration when you specify Remote)
* Copies the files to your local Joomla! installation for testing.
* loads the nbproject/project.properties file
* loads the private/private.properties file
* loads the FTP connections file that you specify in the private.properies file
** NOTE: You can specify your ${ftp.connections} file directly here.
### Set up SCP/SFTP ###
1. In Netbeans 7.2.1 the RemoteConnections directory is at:
So you would place the following line into your nbproject/private/private.properties file ():
2. In that directory find the file/connection you are using for your project and put your password on a new line as follows:
password=XXX123YYY ; where XXX123YYY is your password
### Set up Name and Local Web Root Properties ###
3. Open your nbproject/project.properties file and add the name of your
components entry point, i.e. if you component is called 'com_dog' use 'dog' as follows:
4. In the same file enter the web.root of your local testing installation, i.e.:
C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\joomla_root\\ ; or what ever it is on linux or Mac OS is thats your flavor