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Given a text input detect the main language / languages used on it

Implementation details:

  • A user writes a text in the text field and submit it as a post request

  • The backend receives the post request

  • The text is splitted into tokens using regex or nltk (natural language toolkit)

  • For each language DAWG we check the number of tokens that are part of it.

    • I should have a class / function that gets word tokens as input and returns a sorted dictionary containing the language and the the number of occurances
    • API view shouldn't know about which Data structure I'm using DAWG or other.
  • The DAWG having maximum occurances means that it's correspnding language is the predominant language

Design constraints:

  • I should be able to add support to a new language by adding just it's file path and the language name, nothing else

Design choices:

  • Data Structure: To implement this system I choosed to work with a DAWG (Directed Acyclic Word Graph). This category are useful in applications with constant source text (language word list in our case) with special emphasis on speed.
    • Complexity: Concider n as the number of words in a language word-list and m the length of a given word
      • Time complexity:
        • Creating a DAWG: O(n * m)
        • Adding a word to the DAWG: O(m)
        • Checking if a word is part of the DAWG: O(m)
      • Space complexity:
        • O(n)
  • Parsing the text input: At the moment I didn't find any tool that parses different languages perfectly to match the words in the words list. I tried both python regex utlity re and nltk, re provided the best results (not quantified at the moment). In terms of performance It's a todo work.



Detect the main language/languages used in an input text








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