🧠 I’m currently learning Augmented & Virtual Reality and Game Design @Holberton
💪 Ask me about Self-hosting, UnRAID, Proton, TES3MP
📟 How to reach me corleycomputerrepair@protonmail.ch
🧠 I’m currently learning Augmented & Virtual Reality and Game Design @Holberton
💪 Ask me about Self-hosting, UnRAID, Proton, TES3MP
📟 How to reach me corleycomputerrepair@protonmail.ch
Morrobroom is a Trenchbroom compiler for Openmw. Make Morrowind mods in Trenchbroom!
Rust 15
Forked from kokopi-dev/hipposcraper
A Linux terminal tool for parsing and scraping Holberton project pages to automate repetitive tasks.
Python 2
A small utility to convert Morrowind.exe bumpmapped meshes to openmw-compliant ones.
Rust 1
Forked from alx-tools/your_first_code
A very simple snippet of C code, for Holberton School's admissions.