The Product Attachments extension for Magento 2 equips product pages with a special attachments block where you can upload numerous documents such as user guides, extra images, pdf, certificates, licenses and many others.
- You can now manage attachments from the product edit page
- Add multiple new attachments from the product edit page
- Assign products to attachment by Product Grid, Product IDs, or by Product Skus
- Implement widget to show specific attachments, all attachments or by current product
- API support: Now you can manage attachments by APIs.
- Create a new attachment
- Update attachment
- Get attachment
- Delete attachment
- Get attachments data by product id
- Product API support: Now you can also manage attachments with product API
- Assign/Remove attachments from the product
- Get attachments
Check full description on Magento Marketplace
1) To show all attachments
{{block class="Mageprince\Productattach\Block\AllAttachment"
template="Mageprince_Productattach::all-attachment.phtml" show_icon=1 show_label=1
show_description=0 show_filetype=0 show_size=1 show_download=1 apply_customer_filter=1
2) To show attachments of current product
{{block class="Mageprince\Productattach\Block\AllAttachment"
template="Mageprince_Productattach::all-attachment.phtml" show_icon=1 show_label=1
show_description=0 show_filetype=0 show_size=1 show_download=1 apply_customer_filter=1
apply_store_filter=1 current_product=1}}
3) To show attachments by file_type
{{block class="Mageprince\Productattach\Block\AllAttachment" file_type="pdf,doc"
4) To set number of attachments to show
{{block class="Mageprince\Productattach\Block\AllAttachment" count="10"
5) To show attachment by attachment id(s)
{{block class="Mageprince\Productattach\Block\AllAttachment" attachment_id="5,6"