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Issue reporting guidelines

Sheila S edited this page Nov 8, 2017 · 1 revision

To maintain an effective bug fix workflow and make sure issues will be solved in a timely manner we kindly ask reporters to follow some simple guidelines.

Before creating an issue, please do the following:

  • Check the Developer Documentation to make sure the behavior you are reporting is really a bug, not a feature.
  • Check the [existing tests](Issue reporting guidelines) to make sure you are not duplicating somebody’s work.
  • Make sure, that information you are about to report is a technical issue, please refer to the Community Forums or Magento Stack Exchange for technical questions, feature requests, etc. These reports are not guaranteed to be processed within GitHub issue tracker.
  • Verify, that the issue you are about to report does not relate to the Magento Commerce. GitHub is intended for Magento Open Source users to report on issues related to Open Source only. There are no account management services associated with GitHub. You can report Commerce-related issues in one of two ways:

Issue Template

Please note, that higher level of detail in the report increases chance that someone will be able to reproduce the issue. It is hard to advice on any problems which can not be replicated.


Title is a vital part of bug report for developer and triager to quickly identify a unique issue. A well written title should contain a clear, brief explanation of the issue, making emphasis on the most important points.

Good example would be: Unable to use action group parameters in parameterArray

Unclear example: Unable to use action group

Issue Description


Describing preconditions is a great start, provide information on system configuration settings you have changed, detailed information on entities created (Products, Customers, etc), Magento version. Basically, everything that would help developer set up the same environment as you have.


  1. Magento CE 2.2.0 without sample data is installed.
  2. PayPal payment method is set up.
  3. Test category is set up.
  4. Virtual Product is created and assigned to the Test Category. ...

Steps to reproduce

This part of the bug report is the most important, as developer will use this information to reproduce the issue. Problem is more likely to be fixed if it can be reproduced.

Precisely describe each step you have taken to reproduce the issue. Try to include as much information as possible, sometimes even minor differences can be crucial.


  1. Navigate to storefront as a guest.
  2. Open Test Category.
  3. Click "Add to Cart" on the Virtual Product.
  4. Open mini shopping cart and click "Proceed to Checkout". ... Actual and Expected result

To make sure that everybody involved in the fix are on the same page, precisely describe the result you expected to get and the result you actually observed after performing the steps.


Expected result: Order is placed successfully, customer is redirected to the success page. Actual result: "Place order" button is not visible, order cannot be placed. Additional information

Additional information is often requested when the bug report is processed, you can save time by providing Magento and browser logs, screenshots, repository branch and HEAD commit you checked out to install Magento, any other artifacts related to the issue at your own judgement.

MFTF Documentation:

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started
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