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PWA Studio Target Experiments

This repository is a collection of experimental PWA Studio extensions. It is not actively maintained. There may be better, more recently updated examples in the PWA Studio repo extensions directory.



This repo should live in a sibling directory to your working copy of PWA Studio. It has scripts which connect the PWA project with the extension code in these packages, much like a filesystem dependency in Composer or a linked package in NPM.

  1. Clone this repository.

  2. Run yarn install in the repository root. This repo uses Yarn Workspaces, like PWA Studio does, so this command will also install all the dependencies in packages/.

  3. Here comes the magic! In the repository root, run yarn studiolink </path/to/your/pwa_studio_repo>.
    ℹ️ Use the absolute path to your PWA Studio repo.

    yarn studiolink /Users/jzetlen/Projects/pwa-studio/packages/venia-concept

    All the packages in packages are now available to require() and import in your PWA project.
    ℹ️ From now on, if you run yarn install in your PWA project, you may have to re-run this command.

  1. Your PWA normally only runs targets from its explicitly declared dependencies. However, these modules aren't published to NPM, so if you explicitly declared one in package.json it would cause problems on install. To help with development, PWA Buildpack has a BUILDBUS_DEPS_ADDITIONAL environment variable. Specify it at the command line, or put it in your .env file:


    If these packages are resolvable (installed) in your project, then Buildpack will run their interceptors as if they are declare dependencies. In step 3, you linked all of these experiments to your PWA project, so this should work!

  2. Run yarn run watch:venia in your PWA directory. The extensions will take effect!

  3. Test your extensions: switch your computer's display settings to dark mode, for instance.

Now that this repository's code is running in your PWA, it's time to look at how they work in more detail. If you want to review the concepts of Extensions and Targets, you can skip to Concepts before continuing with the walkthrough.


Each of the example extensions here demonstrates a concept of the type of functionality that can be customized, and a pattern for doing that customization. Some of the examples require new Targets that PWA Studio doesn't have yet! In those examples, you'll find a link to a pull request to PWA Studio, implementing these targets.

⚠️ If an extension notes that it requires new PWA Studio functionality to work, then it will cause errors if you try to run it on the develop branch. Instead, you can check out the branch in the linked pull request.

This extension for Venia modifies the Venia UPWARD definition to send Content Security Policy headers for all pages. It automatically adds the Magento backend as a legal source, and it relaxes the security policy in developer mode while leaving it very strict in production. It currently is in Report-Only mode, because it's experimental!

💻 Demo Upward CSP

  1. Make sure you have run yarn run studiolink /path/to/pwa in this repo root.

  2. Open a terminal in /path/to/pwa and run:

    BUILDBUS_DEPS_ADDITIONAL=@magento-research/pwa-upward-csp \
    yarn run build && yarn run stage:venia
  3. View staging site in browser.

  4. Open your JS console and watch the report-only CSP errors pile up. In strict mode, these requests would be blocked.

📝 Upward CSP Notes

In its code, you'll find two different implementations of the same functionality. One of them is in intercept-upward-file.js, and the other is in intercept-upward-target.js. Out of the box, the extension uses intercept-upward-file.js, so look at that first.

The code in intercept-upward-file.js is verbose. It needs to tap Webpack directly and use very generic module interceptors to find the UPWARD file in the compilation graph and manually modify it. Since UPWARD will be a very common target of customization, there should be a builtin Target to make it simpler to get to that logic.

🏆 Upward CSP Contribution

That's where the intercept-upward-target.js file comes in. This implementation relies on a functionality that is currently in a pull request to PWA Studio. It adds a new Target which makes the same functionality much simpler and more maintainable, allowing us to use intercept-upward-target.js instead. You can demo this workflow too.

  1. ⚠️ Have the companion PWA Studio pull request checked out in your /path/to/pwa directory. This will not work on the develop branch of PWA Studio.
  2. Edit packages/upward-csp/package.json in this repository. Change the pwa-studio.targets.intercept file path from intercept-upward-file.js to intercept-upward-target.js and save.
  3. Go to step 1 above.

💡Example: Venia Color Scheme

Venia stores its colors in CSS Variables in a global stylesheet, so that even though most of its component CSS is encapsulated in modules, they can use the same global color scheme.

This extension for Venia adds a "dark mode". It parses the CSS of the global stylesheet, then autogenerates a dark theme by manipulating the theme colors in the HSL color space, to preserve contrast and key colors. It puts that dark theme in a prefers-color-scheme: dark media query.

💻 Demo Venia Color Scheme

  1. ⚠️ Have the companion PWA Studio pull request checked out in your /path/to/pwa directory. This will not work on the develop branch of PWA Studio.

  2. Make sure you have run yarn run studiolink /path/to/pwa in this repo root.

  3. Open a terminal in /path/to/pwa and run:

    BUILDBUS_DEPS_ADDITIONAL=@magento-research/pwa-venia-color-scheme \
    yarn watch:venia
  4. View site in browser.

  5. Switch between dark mode and light mode. There's no UI control; it detects your system preference.

How to Set Dark Mode

iOS Android Google Chrome
Firefox macOS Windows

Or, you could wait around a few hours. Time is a bitter, cosmic joke on us all.

📝 Venia Color Scheme Notes

This extension also declares its own target to allow the project, or other dependencies, to set overrides for certain colors.

🏆 Venia Color Scheme Contribution

⛔️This extension relies on a pull request to PWA Studio to work. This PR replaces the (very few) hardcoded color declarations throughout the Venia stylesheets with global color variables.

It also adds a new type of module transform to the transformModule target, called postcss!
ℹ️ If you find these additions valuable, please comment on the pull request to urge the merge.

💡Example: NextJS-Style Routes

NextJS is a very popular and powerful framework for server-side-rendered React applications. It has a lot of friendly APIs and sensible organizational concepts. So we thought we'd steal them Some of these developer-friendly features can be brought to PWA Studio via the Targets framework.

This extension adds NextJS-style filesystem-based route structure to a PWA Studio app. It also shows how to implement more declarative, simple and strict interfaces "on top" of the low-level Targets.

💻 Demo NextJS Style Routes

  1. In your PWA Studio repository, create a new folder in packages/venia-concept/src/ called pages.

  2. In that folder, create another folder called compare, and then in that folder, another folder called [left] (in brackets).

  3. Download these examples and put them in these new folders. You should end up with two new files in your repo:

  4. Make sure you have run yarn run studiolink /path/to/pwa in this repo root.

  5. Open a terminal in /path/to/pwa and run:

    BUILDBUS_DEPS_ADDITIONAL=@magento-research/pwa-nextjs-routes \
    yarn watch:venia
  6. View site in browser. Go to /

  7. Now pick two product SKUs and visit /compare/[sku1]/[sku2]. On a Venia store, you could use /compare/VA12-SI-NA/VA11-GO-NA.

🏆 NextJS Style Routes Contribution

This extension doesn't require any additional Target work from PWA Studio itself to work in a basic way. However, a few things might improve it:

  • Better support for watch-mode dependency management in Targets
  • Better exposal of resolver functions in Targets, to determine real fs paths
  • Distinguishing between page routes and RootComponents

💡Example: Contentful Blog

There's nothing worse than trying to put a "blog" on your web store using a bare-bones add-on to your ecommerce store.. Dedicated blog platforms can't be beat for features; if only there was a way to smoothly integrate blog content on to your store without a jarring transition.

This extension adds blog content from Contentful, by adding some routes and invisibly welding Magento GraphQL and Contentful GraphQL together.

It demonstrates a few potentially common uses of the Targets framework:

  • Adding visual items (the nav item, in this case)
  • Adding configuration for external integrations
  • Changing the behavior of API clients
  • Injecting third-party content

💻 Demo the Contentful Blog

  1. Clone the starter-gatsby-blog project into a sibling directory alongside your PWA Studio folder and this repository.

  2. Follow the instructions for setting up that repository. Run the local development environment. When it is running locally, you can visit the localhost server to see what the content should look like. Make a note of the GraphQL endpoint logged in the terminal; it will be something like http://localhost:8080/___graphql.

  3. ⚠️ Have the companion PWA Studio pull request checked out in your /path/to/pwa directory. This will not work on the develop branch of PWA Studio.

  4. Make sure you have run yarn run studiolink /path/to/pwa in this repo root.

  5. Open a terminal in /path/to/pwa and run:

    CONTENTFUL_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:8080/___graphql \
    BUILDBUS_DEPS_ADDITIONAL=@magento-research/pwa-contentful-blog \
    yarn watch:venia

    ⚠️ Your starter-gatsby-blog may be running at a different URL than this example. Set CONTENTFUL_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT to the GraphQL endpoint your local Gatsby server exposed.

  6. View site in browser.

  7. Open the left nav. Observe the new nav item. Click it.

  8. Watch the network tab. Note that multiple GraphQL APIs are in use.

  9. Click a blog entry. Notice the slug in the URL.

  10. As an extra bonus, if you want to make a Contentful account and add/modify this sample content, do so and refresh your site to prove to yourself that all this data is live!

🏆 Contentful Blog Contribution

⛔️This extension relies on a pull request to PWA Studio to work. This PR adds several targets to Venia to enable a seamless integration:

  • VeniaUI has an apolloLink target, exposing the already composable concept of Apollo Links to PWA Studio extensions
  • VeniaUI has a navItems target, exposing the main navigation menu in the same way that routes exposes the routing table

💡Example: Venia Critical CSS

A great PWA store gives your new shopper a good impression by loading as quickly as possible. One of the most important PWA best practices is to identify your critical rendering path and optimize the resources necessary for it as much as possible. One part of that is to find and inline the "critical CSS" for your critical path.

This extension for Venia enhances the Webpack compiler to extract the CSS for a hand-picked list of modules in the Venia critical path, and then to inline that CSS directly into the index.html application shell. It demonstrates:

  • How to do more advanced build integrations with Webpack hooks alone
  • Working with the HtmlWebpackPlugin and its own extension hooks to customize the application shell
  • How bad choices can make your extension annoying and useless 🌈✨ Fun goodies! 🎉🌈

💻 Demo Venia Critical CSS

  1. Make sure you have run yarn run studiolink /path/to/pwa in this repo root.

  2. Open a terminal in /path/to/pwa and run:

    BUILDBUS_DEPS_ADDITIONAL=@magento-research/pwa-venia-critical-css \
    yarn build && yarn stage:venia
  3. View site in browser. Loads a bit faster, huh?

  4. View page source to see what happened.

📝 Venia Critical CSS Notes

This is a proof-of-concept. It would be a much more noticeable speed boost if the critical path was also rendered with SSR, perhaps just constructing the outside of the page at build time.

It's designed for Venia alone. It relies on a manual list of Venia components to inline; it can't detect the critical path of your app automatically.

🏆 Venia Critical CSS Contribution

Ways to improve on the shortcomings mentioned above might include:

  • Use one of the many critical-path-detecting tools at build time
  • Change Webpack optimize parameters to combine stylesheets
  • Refactor Venia to load the critical path synchronously and then subsequent stylesheets asynchronously

💁‍♂️ There you have it: five quick PWA Studio extensions! Please, feel free to PR this repository and contribute more. Read on for a reintroduction to the concepts behind Targets.



PWA Studio extensions are very similar to Webpack plugins, in that they use Tapables as individual extension points, to "hook in" to other parts of the framework.

The big difference between the PWA Studio extension system and Webpack plugins is in how a project uses them. Webpack is designed for developers, so the way to add Webpack plugins is to manually install them with NPM, and then manually edit Webpack's JavaScript configuration file to add them.

PWA Studio is designed for developers, sysadmins, and business users to customize, so it works a little bit more automatically. Instead of editing code, you can add and activate a PWA Studio extension in one step: by installing it with your package manager (NPM or Yarn). Buildpack, the PWA Studio toolkit, detects which installed packages are PWA Studio extensions, then automatically runs their code. After installing an extension with one command, e.g. npm install @magento/pagebuilder, a PWA project will integrate the new feature into the storefront with no additional work required .

This works a lot like Magento Commerce, the backend server for PWA Studio apps. If you make an extension for Magento which enhances its backend API and requires frontend changes as well, you can make a Composer package for the former and an NPM package for the latter; each will install and activate in one step.

But when PWA Studio detects and runs extension code, what does that code do? It connects to the rest of your project using Targets.


The Target is a low-level extensibility "primitive". It's a building block for extension functionality. More detail can be found in the developer documentation for PWA Studio, but it's time for a quick review.

A Target is an enhanced Tapable. It's an object that an NPM module declares and uses to expose a part of its functionality to third-party code, via the interceptor pattern.

An NPM package becomes a PWA Studio extension when it declares Targets, then calls those targets in its own code. Those targets become available for all other PWA Studio code to intercept, via the Buildpack BuildBus.

When Targets are used

Targets run in NodeJS, in a few scripts but primarily in the build process. To invoke Targets, Buildpack creates a BuildBus object. That object runs the Target lifecycle in a prescribed order:

  1. Declare
    1. BuildBus scans all installed extensions for declared Targets.
    2. Extensions which declare Targets have a declare file, a NodeJS script which exports a function.
    3. BuildBus loads the declare file and calls that function with a TargetProvider object, an interface to the BuildBus.
    4. The declare file should run targets.declare(targetDictionary) to publish Target objects so that other packages can use them.
  2. Intercept:
    1. BuildBus scans all installed extensions for an intercept files.
    2. BuildBus loads the intercept file and calls it in the same way as the declare file, but the passed TargetProvider is now fully stocked with declared targets from all dependencies.
    3. The intercept file should run targets.of(desiredDependencies) to retrieve a dictionary of named targets, then tap those targets and pass callbacks with custom functionality.
  3. Build:
    1. BuildBus is done scanning dependencies. The build process begins to call builtin targets (those targets declared by Buildpack itself) on BuildBus directly.
    2. Interceptors execute, in turn calling other interceptors, until the build process completes. The implementation of interceptors and the timing of the Webpack compiler object will determine what order targets are called at this point.

Targets don't run on the storefront. They run at build time and can change the code that runs the storefront, but they are designed to resolve extension logic at build time in NodeJS, so they don't impose any performance cost at build time.

What Targets do

Targets run their interceptors in order when they are called. An extension first declares a target, then gives it functionality by calling that Target at some point in its code.

⚡️Scenario: Adding a Webpack plugin

You're the author of an extension called @you/pwa-studio-dupcheck. You want it to add the DuplicatePackageCheckerPlugin, which detects when multiple versions of the same code are bundled into the app, and warns the developer, so they can correct the issue and reduce bundle size. This is your code.

const DupCheckPlugin = require('duplicate-package-checker-webpack-plugin');

function intercept(targets) {
    targets.of('@magento/pwa-buildpack').webpackCompiler.tap(compiler => {
        const plugin = new DupCheckPlugin({ verbose: true });

module.exports = intercept;
package.json (excerpt)
+"pwa-studio": {
+    "targets": {
+        "intercept": "./apply-plugin.js"
+     }

Once a PWA project has @you/pwa-studio-dupcheck installed, its build process will log warnings when duplicate modules are detected!

  1. The PWA project calls Buildpack.configureWebpack(config) in its webpack.config.js file.

  2. In configureWebpack(), Buildpack creates a BuildBus.

  3. The BuildBus scans installed dependencies, and and finds the pwa-studio.targets.intercept in the extension's package.json as shown above.

  4. Declare phase: modules declare Targets. Buildpack declares its own first, including webpackCompiler.

  5. Intercept phase: BuildBus calls all intercept files, including apply-plugin.js as shown above.

  6. The extension gets the Buildpack webpackCompiler target and intercepts it via .tap, passing a synchronous callback.

  7. Run phase: With the initialized BuildBus, Buildpack continues assembling Webpack config.

  8. Webpack creates a Compiler object.

  9. Buildpack calls its own webpackCompiler target, passing the compiler instance.

    // Simplified for readability;
  10. Each interceptor of webpackCompiler is called with the compiler object. The callback in apply-plugin.js runs.

  11. A new DupCheckPlugin adds itself to the Webpack compiler instance.

⚡️Scenario! Declare your own targets

Users of your @you/pwa-studio-dupcheck extension are loving it, but some complain that they want to hide some of the warnings. There are a few duplicates that they simply can't remove, so the plugin warnings clutter up the build log, tempting them to turn the entire plugin off.

You see in duplicate-package-checker-webpack-plugin's documentation that it has an option called exclude. You can pass an options.exclude function, which will be called for every duplicate. If that function returns true, the warning is not logged. That would solve this problem well!

But the project that uses @you/pwa-studio-dupcheck does not have access to the constructor arguments of DupCheckPlugin. The interceptor is hiding in a dependency.

You decide that @you/pwa-studio-dupcheck should declare its own target, so that other packages, including the app itself, can hide duplicate errors about certain modules.

function declare(targets) {
        exclude: new target.types.SyncBail(['instance'])
package.json (another excerpt)
 "pwa-studio": {
     "targets": {
+        "declare": "./declare-dup-exclude.js",
         "intercept": "./apply-plugin.js"

Now you've declared a Target. but it doesn't do anything yet. How do you implement it?

You'll almost always call your own targets within your interceptors of other targets. This is how the PWA Studio extension framework builds up rich functionality out of a small number of builtin targets from Buildpack itself.

A SyncBail Target is one of the two types of Target which return a value. When you call this Target, it will call each of its interceptors with the supplied argument. If any of the interceptors return a non-undefined value, the Target "exits early", returning that value. It doesn't call the rest of the interceptors.

This makes sense for the options.exclude function, since if any of the interceptors return true, then the passed module should be excluded.

apply-plugin.js (excerpt)
 const plugin = new DupCheckPlugin({
+  exclude: instance =>,
   verbose: true

You're using your Target as the options.exclude function, so it has the same API as described in the plugin documentation. Except now, you've allowed the PWA project and any other extensions to decide what to exclude!

⚡️Scenario: Using your new extension

  1. Install it in your PWA: yarn add --dev @you/pwa-studio-dupcheck

  2. Installed extensions activate in the next build. Run yarn build.

  3. Uh oh! Your build logs a warning that you're using two separate versions of lodash! Stolen from the plugin readme

  4. First, you try and resolve it, using Yarn resolutions.

  5. But this breaks your app! It turns out that the dependencies which require lodash really do require mutually incompatible versions of it. You'll address this problem later; for now, you need to control noise in the build.

  6. Add to the local-intercept.js file in your project. (If you don't have one, set one up and list it in package.json).

    targets.of('@you/pwa-studio-dupcheck').exclude.tap(instance => {
        if ( === 'lodash') {
            return true;
  7. On your next build, the lodash warning is quiet.

Now you've created a useful extension, intercepted a builtin Target, declared your own Target, and demonstrated that it works!

There's more to learn: you can use sync or async Targets, add special behavior to Targets via the .intercept meta-method, and most importantly, you can help PWA Studio out by noticing when something that should be easy in an extension system is too difficult. Fix it by opening an issue in PWA Studio and describing what you want, or even by forking PWA Studio, adding or enhancing the Target you want, and opening a pull request!

More extension ideas

  • Tap the very extensible HtmlWebpackPlugin!
    • You get it from the compiler or compilation instance, check the docs
    • Would need to refactor Buildpack and Venia to move the plugin use out of the main project into utility methods
    • Could add metadata, inline styles, or even template code to be evaluated by UPWARD
  • Generalize the concept of appending JSX nodes so there's less boilerplate
  • Make a declarative layer for common, low-logic interceptors
    • An XML file or JSON in an additional package.json property on "pwa-studio"
    • envVarDefinitions, specialFeatures, routes, navItems, anything with an array to be pushed into
  • Checkout stuff
    • Custom renderers for payment methods
    • Shipping estimators and tax estimators
    • Store locators
  • Adapters for useful add-on libraries
    • A Quicklink extension that would auto-integrate Quicklink's viewport-aware prefetching
      • Inject the window.onload handler to register the IntersectionObserver (use HtmlWebpackPlugin targets)
      • Wrap registered routes with the withQuicklink React HOC (expose a new target in Venia's BabelRouteInjectionPlugin)
      • Expose and use additional properties in registered routes (same as above)
  • Data integration
    • Targets for modifying GraphQL queries
      • Adding Fragments (via a new transformRequest type?)
      • High-level rules to observe documents as they pass (mergeable visitors?)
    • Validating prop contracts for React components
      • Autogenerating prop types from GraphQL queries?
  • More builtin request transformers
    • GraphQL transform type
      • Fragment insertion
      • Validation
      • Linting
    • Module replacer
      • Convenience functions for a module to register an allowed list of modules to be overridden, e.g. require('@magento/pwa-target-utils').publishOwnComponents(targets, { 'src/components/Main': { name: 'mainComponent', canReplace: true } }) would automate the declare-intercept boilerplate to do that

Future goodies for this repo

  • .vscode and .idea folders for debug configurations and tasks
  • dotenv for local configurations
  • Publishing instructions and best practices
  • Demo of Marketplace integration TBD


Example extensions for PWA Studio






No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 3
