Just some helper utilities for iterating through mongodb collections in node. mirrors some functions from async.js which is a dependency
var mongoAsyncIterator = require('mongo-async-iterator');
var cursor = mongo_collection.find({ .. query .. }});
mongoAsyncIterator.eachSeries(cursor, function(doc, cb) {
// perform async processing, call cb() when done.
// if an error occurs and cb(err) is called, the final
// callback will be called and no other processing functions will run
}, function(err) {
// final callback, err will be set if cb(err) was called
mongoAsyncIterator.parallelLimit(cursor, 10, function(doc, cb) {
// perform async processing, call cb() when done.
// there will be up to 10 concurrently running at a time.
// the final callback will be called immediately if cb(err) is calledeachSeries
}, function(err) {
// final callback, err will be set if cb(err) was called
// if an error occurs