rofi-jack-device with Carla from the kxstudio repository
A collection of scripts for controlling and manipulating the JACK audio connection kit using the rofi application launcher.
To install to default path (under /usr/local) run the following:
make install
As most Linux distributions use /usr as their prefix, to install under /usr run the following:
make PREFIX=/usr install
For packaging purposes the DESTDIR
is also supported
make PREFIX=/usr DESTDIR=/tmp/rofi-jack install
A rofi script for setting up and launching jack
Display help:
rofi-jack-device -h
Launch jack. If there is a ~/.jackdrc file it will filter it with the chosen hardware device and use the rest of the settings from before.
Launch the script in a special mode which will take you through a range of useful audio settings. These are then saved for future use in ~/.jackdrc and then jack is launched
rofi-jack-device -s
After having (re)started jack, kill pulseaudio and restart it with the pulse2jack bridge. For now, this is dependent on having cadence installed (because it uses the cadence-pulse2jack
rofi-jack-device -p
Set all settings, save them and restart pulseaudio with bridge:
rofi-jack-device -s -p
A script for making connections, either one at a time or multi channel.
If no arguments are supplied, it will toggle between single channel connect and single channel disconnect as default behaviour.
That is, if a connection is already made between the two nodes specified, it will break that connection and vice versa.
Optional arguments:
For single channels --connect or -c --disconnect or -d
For all channels in from device --connect-all or -ca
For all channels in from device --disconnect-all or -da
rofi-jack-connect --connect # Specifically connect the two chosen connection points
rofi-jack-connect --connect-all # Same as above but with all from device's outputs
rofi-jack-connect --disconnect # Specifically disconnect the two chosen connection points
rofi-jack-connect --disconnect-all # Same as above but with all from device's outputs
rofi-jack-connect # Connect or disconnect depending on status