python3 with library copy, random and argparse
python3 src/ [-h] [-rd RANDOM_GENOM] [-wg WITH_GENOM] [-out OUTPUT_FILE] [--with_check] length_reads number_reads length_kmers
flag :
-h : help
-rd : random genom (need a int after the flag) example : -rd 10
-wg : with genom (need a path after the flag) example : -wg example/res1.txt
!!! file which contains the genom have to be in fasta format or in a file which contains the genom ONLY !!!
--with_check : check if the start genom and genom built with the program are the same
-out : name of the outfile (default : result.txt) example : -out genom_result.txt
example with random genom : python3 src/ 100 5000 20 -rd 10000
example with genom in a fasta file : python3 src/ 10 9 8 -wg example/res1.txt