A ruby script to chunk SPF files generated by the royalties program VISTA and rename each chunk as AUTHORNUM_PAYEENUM_ISBN_STATEMENTDATE.spf.
Ruby must be installed on the system running the script. The system must also support the basic bash commands cp
and rm
Splitting the file depends on the following:
- Each file starts with the landscape layout binary code: ESC&l1O followed by a line break followed by an initial FF binary pagebreak
- Page breaks are demarked by the binary FF character
- The first page of every unique statement contains the string "Page 1" somewhere on that page
Renaming depends on 4 spans of data within each statement being formatted as follows:
Author Number:
- String: "AUTHOR:""
- Followed by: At least one up to any number of consecutive spaces
- Followed by: At least one up to any number of consecutive digits
Payee Number:
- String: "PAYEE:""
- Followed by: At least one up to any number of consecutive spaces
- Followed by: At least one up to any number of consecutive digits
- String: "978"
- Followed by: 10 digits
- Followed by: 2 digits + / + 4 digits
On the command line, run:
$ ruby splitspf.rb inputfilename.spf