Get a list of all countries, states, or states within a country.
Note: only returns names for countries and states, which makes this a simple and minimal package.
Other popular libraries include city data and extended country/state data (e.g. phone or currency info), which inflates package size by quite a lot. But if you don't need city data and you only need country/state names, this package is a fast, simple, and light-weight alternative.
npm i state-country
yarn add state-country
import stateCountry from 'state-country';
const stateCountry = require('state-country');
Get all countries in the world
const countriesList = stateCountry.getAllCountries();
Get all states in the world
const statesList = stateCountry.getAllStates();
Get all states in a given country
const statesInCountryList = stateCountry.getAllStatesInCountry('jaPaN');
Search countries
const searchCountriesList = stateCountry.searchCountries('jap');
Search states
const searchStatesList = stateCountry.searchStates('North');
Search states in a given country
const searchStatesInCountryList = stateCountry.searchStatesInCountry('noRTH', 'united states');
Country and state data from: A refresh.js
script is included to easily update the countries and states json files with the latest data from countries-states-cities-database.