Quickly create a simple MERN stack application with key features pre-built and ready to run. Includes web3 login, authentication, and payment transfers using MetaMask and Ethereum!
To run: yarn install
and then yarn start
to start the interactive CLI
- Node v14.15.4+ and the latest version of Yarn are required prerequisites
- If using Mongo, make sure to download MongoDB, install, add bin folder to path, and run with
in a separate terminal
Running start will begin the CLI, which will ask for a new project name, whether you want both frontend and backend components, and ports for each. You can enter new values or press Enter for each question to accept default values.
Note: only a few questions are asked in the CLI; full configuration is in config.js
(see below)
After answering questions:
- A script will copy Webpack, Babel, Express, and React files to a new directory
- Necessary dependencies will be installed via Yarn
- The newly created React App can be run with
yarn run dev:all
- You can run just the web server with
yarn run dev:web
(on port 5070 by default) - The Express server can be run with
yarn run dev
(on port 4070 by default) - If you opted to only include frontend or backend components, the run command will just be
yarn run dev
for the one included
- ReactJS
- Functional components
- React Routing
- Framework for translations and themes
- Material UI
- TailwindCSS
- With light and dark themes
- Compilied with PostCSS
- MongoDB
- Express
- Example GET and POST endpoints
- Authentication
- ETH Payment Transfers
- You can transfer ETH from your wallet to another wallet for payments. This can be found here
- You can get free ETH on the different test networks (like the kovan network) for testing and development purposes
- TypeScript based MVC framework for REST endpoints
- Webpack
- TypeScript, JavaScript, and SASS compilation
- File resolution aliases
- Babel
- ES compilation
- Prettier
- Auto runs on commit using husky and lint-staged
config = {
entryFile: './src/index.tsx',
webpack: {
htmlFilename: 'index.html',
htmlTemplate: './public/index.html',
openOnStart: true,
outputFile: 'bundle.js',
outputPath: 'dist',
port: 5070
package: {
author: 'author_name',
description: 'This is a default description',
license: 'MIT',
projectName: 'new-project',
repositoryType: 'git',
repositoryURL: 'repository_url',
version: '0.0.1'
manifest: {
backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
description: 'This is a description for the new project',
display: 'fullscreen',
icons: '[]',
name: 'New Project Name',
orientation: 'portrait',
shortName: 'New Project Short Name',
startURL: '/',
themeColor: '#ffffff'
meta: {
description: 'This is the meta description for the new project'
express: {
port: 4070,
url: 'http://localhost'
mongo: {
port: '27017',
url: 'mongodb://localhost',
databaseName: 'test'
If you found this repo helpful and would like to donate, every bit helps!
- BTC: bc1qr597jpxajrr5y32xxy9s90djwe27duug9jgvw5
- ETH: 0x2c167e7C96a04218361197e1caADb1F9813c5cd9
- DOGE: DMpw1DapRxRJoSJMA3rPWspggXQUXLwtnm