A tutors and students client-relationship application.
Our web app will allow for user profiles, scheduling, and video chat.
- Clone the repository
git clone git@github.com:macdhollister/TutorBuzz.git
cd tutorbuzz
- Install dependencies
cd client
npm install
cd server
npm install
- Inside the root directory, create a .env with your mySQL root password (as follows)
DB_PASSWORD = my_password
- Start the server (from the server directory)
nodemon server.js
- Start the client (from the client directory)
npm start
- Bulma - CSS library for aesthetic presentation.
- React - JavaScript library for building interfaces.
- Node - Out-of-browser JavaScript runtime environment.
- Mongo - Database to organize, use and enrich data in real time.
- Mongoose - Mongodb object modeling for node.js.
- mediasoup - WebRTC video conferencing.
- Google Calendar API - Session scheduling calendar.
Stretch Goals: -Google Maps -Socket.io
- Mac Hollister - Developer - (https://github.com/macdhollister)
- Jonathan Davis - Developer - (https://github.com/JonathanDavis22)
- Ana Lee - Developer - (http://github.com/anabellee25)
- Josie Strange - Developer - (https://github.com/Jostrange)
- Garrett Straight - Developer - (https://github.com/GarrettStraight)