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macOS® User-Space Driver for TouCAN USB Interfaces from Rusoku

Copyright © 2020-2024 Uwe Vogt, UV Software, Berlin (

macOS Build

Running CAN on Mac®

Running CAN on Mac is the mission of the MacCAN project. The macOS driver for TouCAN USB interfaces from Rusoku is based on MacCAN-Core which is an abstraction (or rather a wrapper) of Apple´s IOUsbKit to create USB user-space drivers for CAN interfaces from various vendors under macOS.


This repo contains the source code for the MacCAN-TouCAN driver and several alternatives to build dynamic libraries for macOS, either as a C++ class library (libTouCAN), or as a CAN API V3 driver library (libUVCANTOU), as well as my beloved CAN utilities can_moni and can_test, and some C/C++, Swift, and Python example programs.

CAN API V3 is a wrapper specification to have a uniform CAN Interface API for various CAN interfaces from different vendors running under multiple operating systems. See header file CANAPI.h for the CAN API V3 wrapper specification.

Note: This project does not aim to implement Rusoku´s CANAL library on macOS.


/// \name   TouCAN API
/// \brief  MacCAN driver for Rusoku TouCAN USB interfaces
/// \note   See CCanApi for a description of the overridden methods
/// \{
class CTouCAN : public CCanApi {
    // constructor / destructor

    // CCanApi overrides
    static bool GetFirstChannel(SChannelInfo &info, void *param = NULL);
    static bool GetNextChannel(SChannelInfo &info, void *param = NULL);

    static CANAPI_Return_t ProbeChannel(int32_t channel, const CANAPI_OpMode_t &opMode, const void *param, EChannelState &state);
    static CANAPI_Return_t ProbeChannel(int32_t channel, const CANAPI_OpMode_t &opMode, EChannelState &state);

    CANAPI_Return_t InitializeChannel(int32_t channel, const CANAPI_OpMode_t &opMode, const void *param = NULL);
    CANAPI_Return_t TeardownChannel();
    CANAPI_Return_t SignalChannel();

    CANAPI_Return_t StartController(CANAPI_Bitrate_t bitrate);
    CANAPI_Return_t ResetController();

    CANAPI_Return_t WriteMessage(CANAPI_Message_t message, uint16_t timeout = 0U);
    CANAPI_Return_t ReadMessage(CANAPI_Message_t &message, uint16_t timeout = CANWAIT_INFINITE);

    CANAPI_Return_t GetStatus(CANAPI_Status_t &status);
    CANAPI_Return_t GetBusLoad(uint8_t &load);

    CANAPI_Return_t GetBitrate(CANAPI_Bitrate_t &bitrate);
    CANAPI_Return_t GetBusSpeed(CANAPI_BusSpeed_t &speed);

    CANAPI_Return_t GetProperty(uint16_t param, void *value, uint32_t nbyte);
    CANAPI_Return_t SetProperty(uint16_t param, const void *value, uint32_t nbyte);

    CANAPI_Return_t SetFilter11Bit(uint32_t code, uint32_t mask);
    CANAPI_Return_t SetFilter29Bit(uint32_t code, uint32_t mask);
    CANAPI_Return_t GetFilter11Bit(uint32_t &code, uint32_t &mask);
    CANAPI_Return_t GetFilter29Bit(uint32_t &code, uint32_t &mask);
    CANAPI_Return_t ResetFilters();

    char *GetHardwareVersion();  // (for compatibility reasons)
    char *GetFirmwareVersion();  // (for compatibility reasons)
    static char *GetVersion();  // (for compatibility reasons)

    static CANAPI_Return_t MapIndex2Bitrate(int32_t index, CANAPI_Bitrate_t &bitrate);
    static CANAPI_Return_t MapString2Bitrate(const char *string, CANAPI_Bitrate_t &bitrate);
    static CANAPI_Return_t MapBitrate2String(CANAPI_Bitrate_t bitrate, char *string, size_t length);
    static CANAPI_Return_t MapBitrate2Speed(CANAPI_Bitrate_t bitrate, CANAPI_BusSpeed_t &speed);
/// \}

Build Targets

Important note: To build any of the following build targets run the script to generate a pseudo build number.

uv-pc013mac:~ eris$ cd ~/Projects/MacCAN/TouCAN
uv-pc013mac:TouCAN eris$ ./

Repeat this step after each git commit, git pull, git clone, etc.

Then you can build all targets by typing the usual commands:

uv-pc013mac:~ eris$ cd ~/Projects/MacCAN/TouCAN
uv-pc013mac:TouCAN eris$ make clean
uv-pc013mac:TouCAN eris$ make all
uv-pc013mac:TouCAN eris$ sudo make install
uv-pc013mac:TouCAN eris$

(The version number of the library can be adapted by editing the appropriated Makefile and changing the variable VERSION accordingly. Don´t forget to set the version number also in the header file Version.h.)


libTouCAN is a dynamic library with a CAN API V3 compatible application programming interface for use in C++ applications. See header file TouCAN.h for a description of all class members.


libUVCANTOU is a dynamic library with a CAN API V3 compatible application programming interface for use in C applications. See header file can_api.h for a description of all API functions.


can_moni is a command line tool to view incoming CAN messages. I hate this messing around with binary masks for identifier filtering. So I wrote this little program to have an exclude list for single identifiers or identifier ranges (see program option --exclude or just -x). Precede the list with a ~ and you get an include list.

Type can_moni --help to display all program options.


can_test is a command line tool to test CAN communication. Originally developed for electronic environmental tests on an embedded Linux system with SocketCAN, I´m using it for many years as a traffic generator for CAN stress-tests.

Type can_test --help to display all program options.

Target Platform

  • macOS 12.0 and later (Intel x64 and Apple silicon)

Development Environments

macOS Sonoma

  • macOS Sonoma (14.5) on a Mac mini (M1, 2020)
  • Apple clang version 15.0.0 (clang-1500.3.9.4)
  • Xcode Version 15.4 (15F31d)

macOS Monterey

  • macOS Monterey (12.7.5) on a MacBook Pro (2019)
  • Apple clang version 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.30)
  • Xcode Version 13.2.1 (13C100)

Supported CAN Hardware

  • TouCAN USB (Model F4FS1, Hardware 1.0.0, Firmware 1.0.x)

Known Bugs and Caveats

For a list of known bugs and caveats see tab Issues in the GitHub repo.

This and That

CAN API V3 Reference

A generic documentation of the CAN API V3 application programming interface can be found here.


Except where otherwise noted, this work is dual-licensed under the terms of the BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License and under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.0 (or any later version). You can choose between one of them if you use these portions of this work in whole or in part.


Mac and macOS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.
All other company, product and service names mentioned herein may be trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of their respective owners.

Hazard Note

If you connect your CAN device to a real CAN network when using this library, you might damage your application.


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