- Implementation done using Java Mail API and Java SMS using Http
- Email and SMS can be configured to any SMTP/Gateway and send to users
Email Template can be created online using tools Reference Link
- All the Configuration are mentioned in Config.xml,
Project Smile Email API for sending Email with attachment as Receipt
Windows OS
- Download and Install Java(jdk1.8) from Oracle website
- Set up Environment Variables, Reference
How to Send (Read Steps Below/ Simple 5 steps to be followed for setUp, if you are not a developer as well
Download Link Google Drive
- After Downloading the attachment from Google Drive, Extract the .zip in D:/ Drive
- Connect to Internet (Good if no firewall settings are enabled).
- Download Java and Install(Simple Product Wizard) and Set Env Variables Reference
- Place all the Receipts inside D:/projectSmileAPI/encryptedPDF Folder and remember FileName should be of the form ReceiptNo;emailAddress@host.com;MobileNumber OR ReceiptNo;emailAddress@host.com;
Example : MOJO1234567890;maazmmd@gmail.com.pdf OR MOJO1234567890;maazmmd@gmail.com;9449115598.pdf - doble Click on run.bat File
- Extract zip File in D:\ drive, After extraction of .zip file follow below guidelines
- Go through MailConfig.xml and enter SMTP Details and other necessary details.
- Place all the pdf documents in D:/projectSmileAPI/encryptedPDF/ folder
- Run the bat File present in D:/projectSmileAPI Folder.
MOJO123456;emailid@abcd.com.pdf - For Only Sending Email
MOJO123456;emailid@abcd.com;9449115598.pdf - For Email as well as SMS
├── projectSmileAPI
│ ├── encryptedPDF
│ │ └── imageProcessing(Folder) - Images and Email Body Template goes here
│ │ └── All PDF files are placed here
│ └── ProjectSmile_MailConfig.xml
│ └── projectSmileEmail.jar - User need not know about this file
│ └── lib(Folder) - User need not know about these file