An assembly of functions that faithfully match their Excel equivalents in terms of functionality and errors.
This includes an assembly of other general purpose ExpressionFunction(s)
from other repos.
The two links below provide links to available functions in Excel and Sheets
Note the list is incomplete when compared to Excel and Sheets and should be considered a work in progress. The vast majority of these functions are formula expression functions.
- abs
- acos
- address
- and
- asin
- atan
- average
- averageIf
- base
- bin2dec
- bin2hex
- bin2oct
- bitand
- bitor
- bitxor
- ceil
- cell
- cellFormattedValue
- cellFormatter
- cellFormula
- cellParser
- cellStyle
- cellValue
- char
- choose
- clean
- code
- column
- columns
- concat
- cos
- count
- countA
- countBlank
- countIf
- date
- day
- days
- dec2bin
- dec2hex
- dec2oct
- decimal
- degrees
- delta
- dollar
- e
- error
- even
- exact
- exp
- false
- find
- fixed
- floor
- formulatext
- hex2bin
- hex2dec
- hex2oct
- hour
- hyperlink
- if
- ifs
- indirect
- int
- isBlank
- isDate
- isErr
- isError
- isEven
- isFormula
- isLogical
- isNa
- isNonText
- isNull
- isNumber
- isOdd
- isRef
- isText
- isoweeknum
- lambda
- left
- len
- let
- ln
- log
- log10
- lower
- max
- maxIf
- mid
- min
- minIf
- minute
- mod
- month
- not
- now
- null
- numberValue
- oct2bin
- oct2dec
- oct2hex
- odd
- offset
- or
- pi
- product
- proper
- quotient
- radians
- rand
- randBetween
- replace
- rept
- right
- roman
- round
- roundDown
- roundUp
- row
- rows
- search
- second
- sign
- sin
- sinh
- sqrt
- substitute
- sum
- sumIf
- switch
- t
- tan
- tanh
- text
- textJoin
- textMatch
- time
- today
- trim
- true
- trunc
- type
- unichar
- unicode
- upper
- value
- weekday
- weeknum
- xor
- year
Many more functions are outstanding and remain TODO.
The following functions are only useful within a search context, each extracting a SpreadsheetCell so the value may be used by a predicate to filter cells. They are not intended to be used with formula expressions.
- cellFormattedValue
- cellFormatter
- cellFormula
- cellParser
- cellStyle
- cellValue
- textMatch