An SVGO Export Plugin
This plugin translate the layer information to a Block, Element, Modifier methodology. Based on the SVG sructure and the information of each layer id it creats the BEM model. Furthermore the plugin provide the feature to transform IDs to Classes and allow to keep defined IDs or Classes.
- idToClass: Boolean, transform all IDs to classes, excluding specific IDs set within the Sketch layer.
- bem: Boolean, turn on or off BEM creation
- bemSeperator: String, define a string for BEM seperation
- charSeperator: String, define a string for special char ( $%&… ) replacement
You can use the plugin with BohemianCoding's svgo-compressor to export compressed SVG that follow BEM from Sketch
requires Sketch >= 52
Step 1: Download and install the Plugin. Open the Sketch Plugin folder: 'Plugins' > 'Manage Plugins' > 'Reval in Finder'. Inside the pluginfolder create a new folder called SVGO-plugins.
Step 2: Open Sketch go to 'Plugins' > 'SVGO Compressor' > 'About' and 'Edit SVGO Settings'. Search and deactivate the following option in the svgo.json file.
+ +"name": "cleanupIDs",
+ + "enabled": false
+ },
Step 3: Add this code lines to the svgo.json file
+ {
+ "path": "./SVGO-plugins/svg-id-to-class-and-bem.js",
+ "enabled": true,
+ "params": {}
+ }