gRPC service that packages and builds a ML project into a docker image for training
This component is part of a MLOPS pipeline project which is in development
It relies on the m1l0-protobufs
Install the protobufs first:
pip install m1l0-protobufs
Create a set of TLS certificates as the service runs using secure connections:
mkdir -p certs # Create a certs/server-ext.cnf file with the following: subjectAltName=DNS:localhost,DNS:builder,DNS:<domain name>,IP:,IP: # Replace the subj string in the Makefile command with the appropriate common name fields # Run certifcate generation command: make certificatesreq
Create a .env file with the following:
export MODE=Local export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=<region name> export AWS_PROFILE=<profile name> export JOB_LOG_GROUP=<arn of cloudwatch log group> export M1L0_BUILDER_CA_PATH=/certs/ca-cert.pem export TF_VAR_DOCKERHUB_USER=<dockerhub user> export TF_VAR_DOCKERHUB_TOKEN=<dockerhub token> export TF_VAR_GITHUB_TOKEN=<github api token>
field means to run it locally.The
refers to the AWS Secrets Manager entry defined in above stepThe
are based on your local ~/.aws/config credentialsThe
is a cloudwatch log group to store the job runsThe
sets the ca cert path for the healthcheck serviceThe
variables set the service credentials required for both running the service locally and for deployment on AWS using terraform. -
Start the service:
docker-compose up
Check service is running:
make host=builder check-service
refers to the service name since its running in a custom network -
Calling the service through gRPC client:
import uuid import grpc from m1l0_services.imagebuilder.v1.imagebuilder_service_pb2 import BuildRequest, BuildResponse, PushRequest, PushResponse, BuildTags, BuildIgnores, BuildConfig from m1l0_services.imagebuilder.v1.imagebuilder_service_pb2_grpc import ImageBuilderServiceStub host = os.environ.get("HOST", "localhost") cert_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "certs") with open(os.path.join(cert_path, "ca-cert.pem"), "rb") as f: ca_cert = credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( root_certificates=ca_cert ) channel = grpc.secure_channel(f"{host}:50051", credentials) client = ImageBuilderServiceStub(channel) config = { "service": "ecr", "repository": "target/myproject", "revision": "latest", "namespace": "myprojects", "name": "myproject", "dockerfile": "Dockerfile", "entry": "", "tags": [{'Key': 'Project', 'Value': 'mnist'}, {'Key': 'Framework', 'Value': 'tensorflow-cpu-2.4.0'}], "source": "", "ignores": ['*.md', '*.npy', '.pytest_cache', '.gitignore', '.git', '__pycache__', '*.pyc', 'tmp*', 'checkpoints*', 'models*', 'backups', 'checkpoints', '*.tar.gz', "data"] } ignores = config.pop("ignores") tags = config.pop("tags") uid = str(uuid.uuid4()) buildreq = BuildRequest( id=uid, config=BuildConfig(**config) ) pushreq = PushRequest( id=uid, config=BuildConfig(**config) ) # setup ignores for ig in ignores: ig2 = BuildIgnores(value=ig) buildreq.ignores.append(ig2) # setup tags for t in tags: tag = BuildTags(name=t["Key"], value=t["Value"]) buildreq.tags.append(tag) pushreq.tags.append(tag) resp = client.Build(req) for r in resp: print(r.body) resp = client.Push(req2) for r in resp: print(r.body)
The output will be streamed in the console.
The logs are also stored in cloudwatch logs.
The required fields are:
must be either "dockerhub" or "ecr"
target to store image
the source files / project to build image
accepts "dir://
", "https://.git", "s3:///context.tar.gz" For "dir" builds, the source dir must be uploaded into the volume attached to the service and only works locally.
For "git" builds, the client will attempt to clone the github repo
For "s3" builds, the source must be packaged into a build context with a '.tar.gz' archive. Refer to the documentation below on build contexts.
Name of dockerfile to use in source. Must be in path of source.
This takes precedence
Name of file to set as ENTRYPOINT in image
List of tags to add to as labels to the image
List of files to not include in the build.
To build locally:
make build-localimage
To build and upload the image to ECR:
source .env
make build-remoteimage
To run the tests:
python test
The terraform scripts in the terraform
directory allows you to deploy the service on ECS with the following resources:
VPC with private and public subnets. The service is located in private subnet.
EC2 Container instance running ECS AMI image which runs the service
EC2 Instance running as bastion host in public subnet
Keypair for SSH access
IAM policies
Application Load Balancer with target group with gRPC protocol
Certificate Manager for private and CA certs
Secrets manager entries for docker and github services
To deploy:
source .env
make setup
To teardown:
make teardown
To create a build context as a 'tar.gz' archive, need to add the source as a flat directory into the archive:
tar -czvf context.tar.gz -C <project source> .
cat context.tar.gz | docker build - -t myimg:latest
- Setting up metadata store to store records of build artifacts