allows you to draw simple line graphics or graphs in a views.
- download the module from Releases
- put the ZIP into you project root
- add
to your tiapp.xml<modules>
const lines = require('ti.lines');
const lineView = lines.createLine({
width: 180,
height: 230,
lineWidth: 4,
lineColor: "#fff",
xAxis: true,
yAxis: true,
maxValue: 10,
yLines: 1,
xLines: 2,
values: [2, 2, 5, 1, 3, 1, 3, 2, 3, 1, 1],
startAt: lines.START_BOTTOM,
fillSpace: true
<Line module="ti.lines" lineColor="#7541fd" fillSpace="true" fillColorTop="rgba(45,25,99,0.5)" fillColorBottom="rgba(0,0,0,0)"/>
Full example is available here.
- clear() - clears the view
- redraw() - redraws the line after you change properties
Property | Type | Description |
values | Array/Object | Can be a simple array [2, 2, 5...] to draw a graph or [{x: 0, y: 0}, { x: 50, y: 200},...] to draw lines |
lineColor | Color | Color of the line |
lineColorFrom | Color | Line color gradient - start color |
lineColorTo | Color | Line color gradient - end color |
lineWidth | int | Width of the line |
axisWidth | int | Width of the x/y axis |
axisColor | Color | Color of the x/y axis |
startAt | int | START_CENTER or START_BOTTOM. Will set the 0 point in the y-axis center or bottom |
maxValue | int | Sets a custom max value for the y-axis and remaps your input values. Otherwise the view height will be the maxValue |
xAxis | boolean | Show the x-axis |
yAxis | boolean | Show the y-axis |
yLines | int | Draws dotted y-axis lines. This value will be the steps (e.g. 1 will draw every x value, 2 will draw every 2nd value,...) |
xLines | int | Draws dotted x-axis lines. This value will be the steps (e.g. 1 will draw every y value, 2 will draw every 2nd value,...) |
lineType | int | TYPE_CURVED or TYPE_STRAIGHT. Will either draw a normal line or a bezier curve |
strokeType | int | STROKE_NORMAL or STROKE_NORMAL. Different stroke style |
fillSpace | boolean | Will fill the area below the curve (experimental) |
fillColorTop | Color | Color at the top |
fillColorBottom | Color | Color at the bottom |
padding | int/array | Either one int value for all sides or 4 values: [top, right, bottom, left] as an array |
If you change properties after the view is visible you will need to call redraw()
to see the changes.
- TYPE_CURVED: bezier line
- TYPE_STRAIGHT: normal line
- START_CENTER: start in the center
- START_BOTTOM: start at the bottom
- STROKE_NORMAL: normal line
- STROKE_DASHED: dashed line
- DIRECTION_CW: circle direction clock wise
- DIRECTION_CCW: circle direction counter clock wise
The iOS version is currently very limited. You can use:
- values
- maxValue
- lineColor
- lineWidth
- lineType
- startAt
You can also create a canvas view that currently allows you to draw sliced circles:
const circleView = lines.createCanvas({
width: 200,
height: 200,
startRotation: 45,
direction: lines.DIRECTION_CCW,
circleColors: ["#cecece", "#ff0", "#f0f", "#f00"],
- startRotation
- circleColors: Array of colors
- drawCircle(same properties)
- Android: Michael Gangolf