Useful resources for anyone wanting to become a Jenkins Certified Engineer.
docker-compose up -d
open http://$(docker-compose port jenkins 8080)
- Study Guide 2018
- Jenkins User Guide
- CJE Notes - thanks to luckylittle
- CJE Docker Setup - thanks to ydubreuil
- Jenkins Version: 2.121.3
- Continuous Delivery/Continuous Integration Concepts
- Define continuous integration, continuous delivery, continuous deployment
- Difference between CI and CD
- CD: release at any time
- CI: practice of integrating the code continuously
- Stages of CI and CD
- Continuous delivery versus continuous deployment
- Continuous Delivery: code CAN be released at any time (potentially includes manual step)
- Continuous Deployment: code IS released continuously, automatically
- Jobs
- What are jobs in Jenkins?
- Types of jobs
- Freestyle project
- Maven project
- Pipeline
- External job
- Multi-configuration project
- Folder
- GitHub Organization
- Multibranch pipeline
- Scope of jobs (see links above)
- Builds
- What are builds in Jenkins?
- What are build steps, triggers, artifacts, and repositories?
- Build tools configuration
- Source
- What are source code management systems and how are they used?
- Cloud-based SCMs
- Jenkins changelogs
- Incremental updates v clean check out
- Checking in code
- Infrastructure-as-Code
- Branch and Merge Strategies
- Testing
- Benefits of testing with Jenkins
- Define unit test, smoke test, acceptance test, automated verification/functional tests
- unit. specific functionality testing, individual classes, methods etc.
- smoke. aka sanity testing. testing the general functionality as a whole (came from mechanical engineering, "does the car go?", if not machine starts to smoke)
- integration. multiple modules/pieces coming together and have expected functionality
- acceptance. business requirement(s) testing
- Notifications
- Types of notifications in Jenkins
- Importance of notifications
- Distributed Builds
- What are distributed builds?
- Functions of masters and agents
- Plugins
- What are plugins?
- What is the plugin manager?
- Jenkins Rest API
- How to interact with it
- Why use it?
- Security
- Authentication versus authorization
- Authentication provides a way of identifying a user, typically by having the user enter a valid user name and valid password before access is granted.
- Following authentication, a user must gain Authorization for doing certain tasks.
- Matrix security
- Overall - as a whole
- Administer
- ConfigureUpdateCenter
- Read
- RunScripts
- UploadPlugins
- Credentials
- Create
- Delete
- ManageDomains
- Update
- View (on the main dashboard)
- Agent
- Build
- Configure
- Connect
- Create
- Delete
- Disconnect
- Job (also known as project)
- Build
- Cancel
- Configure
- Create
- Delete
- Discover (if a user doesn't have rights, it will bring you to the login page)
- Move (to a different folder)
- Read
- Workspace
- Run
- Delete
- Replay
- Update
- View (ability to have a dashboard with information that you want)
- Configure
- Create
- Delete
- Read
- Tag
- Overall - as a whole
- Definition of auditing, credentials, and other key security concepts
- Authentication versus authorization
- Fingerprints
- What are fingerprints?
- How do fingerprints work?
- Artifacts
- How to use artifacts in Jenkins
- Storing artifacts
- Using 3rd party tools
- How to use 3rd party tools
- Installation Wizard
- What is the Jenkins Installation Wizard?
- How to use the Wizard?
- Which configurations are covered by the Installation Wizard?
- Organizing jobs in Jenkins
- Folders
- One way to manage projects
- New item - Folder
- Name
- Display name
- Description
- Health metrics - Items in nested sub-folders are used to calculate the folder's health
- Properties
- Pipeline libraries
- Pipeline model definition
- "Jenkins" path is the root folder of the projects, you can move existing projects to the newly created folder (click project properties - "Move")
- You can have nested folders
- Views
- The global view is the same for all of the users
- On the default view, after clicking on the "+" tab on the main screen, we see
- View name
- List View - simple list format (choosing this will take you directly to the configuration page)
- My View - automatically displays all the jobs that the current user has an access to
- After that, you can "Edit View" on the left side
- Name
- Description
- Filter build queue
- Filter build executors
- Job filters
- Status filter - all selected, enabled jobs only, disabled jobs only
- Recurse in subfolders [] - you will see all jobs in all folders below
- Use regular expression to include jobs into the view: `.Downstream.``
- Add Job Filter
- Columns
- Status
- Weather
- Name
- Last success
- Last failure
- Last duration
- Build button
- Columns
- Manage Jenkins - Configure system - Default view
- You can specify own set of per-user views in "My Views"
- Include a global view
- Types of View
- Build Pipeline View
- List View
- My View
- Radiator View: Focused minimialist view with no-Jenkins branding (good for a dashboard)
- Folders
- Parameterized jobs
- Types of parameters
- Boolean parameter
- Choice parameter
- Credentials parameter
- File parameter
- List subversion tags (and more)
- Multi-line string parameter
- Password parameter - not protected from showing up in the build log (!)
- Run parameter (jobname, jobname.number, jobname_NAME, jobname_RESULT, jobname_JOBNAME, jobname_NUMBER...)
- String parameter
- How to pass parameters between the upstream/downstream:
- Plugins - "Parameterized Trigger plugin"
- Downstream project - must be parameterized - e.g. String parameter
- Upstream project - Add build step - Trigger/call build on other projects - Downstream project - Add predefined parameters
- Types of parameters
- Usage of Freestyle/Pipeline/Matrix jobs
- Organizing jobs in Jenkins
- Setting up build steps and triggers
- Configuring build tools
- Running scripts as part of build steps
Source Code Management
- Polling source code management
- Creating hooks
- Including version control tags and version information
- Testing for code coverage
- Test reports in Jenkins
- Displaying test results
- Integrating with test automation tools
- Breaking builds
- Setup and usage
- Manage Jenkins - Configure System - Extended E-mail Notification
- SMTP server
- SMTP port
- Default recipient
- Also adjust "Jenkins Location" - "System Admin e-mail address"
- Add the catchall notification when anything fails in Jenkinsfile (global scope, outside of stages)
post { failure { emailext( subject: "${env.JOB_NAME [${env.BUILD_NUMBER}] Failed!", body: "<html> bla bla bla bla</html>", to: "" } } }
- Add similar alert when you build a master (post on success) - not global scope
- On the freestyle type project, you can add "Editable Email Notification" as a post-build action
- Project Recipient List
- Project reply-to list
- Content type
- Default subject
- Default content
- Attachments
- Attach build log
- Advanced
- Triggers
- Aborted
- Always
- Failure
- Fixed
- Not built
- Success
- Send to: Recipient list
- Triggers
- Manage Jenkins - Configure System - Extended E-mail Notification
- Email notifications, instant messaging
- Alarming on notifications
- Setup and usage
Distributed Builds
- Setting up and running builds in parallel
- Setting up and using SSH agents, JNLP agents, cloud agents
- Monitoring nodes
- Setting up and using Plugin Manager
- Finding and configuring required plugins
- Using Pipeline (formerly known as “Workflow”)
- Integrating automated deployment
- Release management process
- Pipeline stage behavior
Jenkins Rest API
- Using REST API to trigger jobs remotely, access job status, create/delete jobs
- Data formats: XML & JSON
- Go to http://(jenkins_master):8080/me/configure (same as "Manage Users" then your username)
- API Token
- Show API Token
- API Token
- You can see the API help, when you add /api at the end of the URL and it will show you the help page
- Examples using cURL:
- Call job:
curl -X POST http://(jenkins_master):8080/job/Freestyles/job/My%20Freestyle%20Project/buildWithParameters --user luckylittle:<API_TOKEN>
- Call job with parameter:
curl -X POST curl -X POST http://(jenkins_master):8080/job/Freestyles/job/My%20Freestyle%20Project/buildWithParameters?BRANCH=foo --user luckylittle:<API_TOKEN>
- Get job config:
curl http://(jenkins_master):8080/job/Freestyles/job/My%20Freestyle%20Project/config.xml --user luckylittle:<API_TOKEN>
- Get job in JSON format
curl http://(jenkins_master):8080/job/Freestyles/job/My%20Freestyle%20Project/api/json --user luckylittle:<API_TOKEN>
- Disable a job:
curl -X post http://(jenkins_master):8080/job/Freestyles/job/My%20Freestyle%20Project/disable --user luckylittle:<API_TOKEN>
- Get job logs:
curl http://(jenkins_master):8080/job/Freestyles/job/My%20Freestyle%20Project/43/consoleText --user luckylittle:<API_TOKEN>
- Prepare for restart:
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/quietDown --user luckylittle:<API_TOKEN>
- Cancel preparation for restart:
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/cancelQuietDown --user luckylittle:<API_TOKEN>
- Safe restart:
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/safeRestart --user luckylittle:<API_TOKEN>
- Call job:
- Short tutorial on the REST API
- Get job and statuses example
curl -g -u admin:066aaf7a0fea2677bcbf75590388a3fb "http://localhst:8080/api/json?pretty=true&tree=jobs[name,color]"
- Get current settings example
curl -g -u admin:066aaf7a0fea2677bcbf75590388a3fb "httpst:8080/job/helloworld/config.xml" -o config.xml
- Update existing example `curl -X POST -g -u admin:066aaf7a0fea2677bcbf75590388a3fb "http://localhost:8080/job/helloworld/config.xml" -d "@config.xml"``
- Get job and statuses example
- Setting up and using security realms
- User database, project security, Matrix security
- Setting up and using auditing
- Setting up and using credentials
- Fingerprinting jobs shared or copied between jobs
- Add 'post' directive to the Jenkinsfile:
post { always { <-- this can be also 'success' archive '<DIR>/*.jar' } }
- When you click on the build #, you will see a new column "Build Artifacts"
- If you want better tracking of artifacts (the additional option "See Fingerprints" on the left in each build)
post { always { archiveArtifacts artifacts: '<DIR>/*.jar', fingerprint: true } }
- Everything lands on the master inside
- Fingerprinting jobs shared or copied between jobs
- Copying artifacts
- Install new plugin 'Copy Artifact Plugin', we can set permissions between projects to allow artifacts copying
- [X]Permission to Copy Artifacts:
- New build step:
- Copy artifacts from another project:
- Project name:
- Which build: Latest successful build/Latest saved build/Upstream/Downstream/Last completed (ignoring status)/Specific etc etc.
- Artifacts to copy:
- Artifacts not to copy
- Target directory
- [X]Fingerprint artifacts
- Copy artifacts from another project:
- Install new plugin 'Copy Artifact Plugin', we can set permissions between projects to allow artifacts copying
- Using artifacts in Jenkins
- When you go to the "Workspace" in the project, you will see the artifact(s)
- Artifact retention policy
- Retention policy can be set up in Jenkinsfile:
options { buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '2', artifactNumToKeepStr: '1')) }
- In the console this is called "Discard old builds", click Advanced and also post-build action: "Archive the artifacts"
- File to archive:
- File to archive:
- Copying artifacts
- Making basic updates to jobs and build scripts
- Troubleshooting specific problems from build and test failure alerts
- Pipeline Concepts
- Value stream mapping for CD pipelines
- Why create a pipeline?
- Gates within a CD pipeline
- How to protect centralized pipelines when multiple groups use same tools
- Definition of binary reuse, automated deployment, multiple environments
- Elements of your ideal CI/CD pipeline - tools
- Key concepts in building scripts (including security/password, environment information, etc.)
- Upstream and downstream
- Triggering jobs from other jobs
- Setting up the Parameterized Trigger plugin
- Upstream/downstreamjobs
- Triggering
- Triggering Jenkins on code changes
- Trigger builds remotely (e.g. from scripts)
- Build manually
- Build after other projects are built
- Build periodically - cron format
- GitHub hook trigger for GIT
- Add Githook functionality (Github - Project - Settings - Integration & Services - Jenkins hook url)
- Add new item in Jenkins UI - Pipeline - My Java Projects
- [X]Github project
- [X]GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling
- Pipeline
- Definition: Pipeline script from SCM
- SCM: Git
- Repository URL
- Credentials
- Branches to build
- Branch Specifier (blank for 'any'):
- Branch Specifier (blank for 'any'):
- Repoitory browser: githubweb
- URL:
- Script path:
- Scm polling
- Difference between push and pull
- When to use push vs. pull
- Triggering Jenkins on code changes
- Pipeline (formerly known as “Workflow”)
- Benefits of Pipeline vs linked jobs
- Functionalities offered by Pipeline
lives in the SCM that defines the Jenkins pipeline- needs pipeline plugin
- 2 styles:
- Declarative - defining the state as oppose to scripted
- Scripted - more like a bash script, Groovy programing style
- Example - basic layout:
pipeline { agent any <- which agent are we going to use for this pipeline (any/none/label '<MATCH>'/docker '<IMAGE>') stages { <- stages of build stage('Build') { steps { echo 'Buidling..' } } stage('Test') { steps { echo 'Testing..' } } stage('Deploy') { steps { echo 'Deploying..' } } } }
- directives can be either on the top and it applies to all steps, or in each step explicitly (e.g. different docker image for test and for deploy)
- tons of different "steps" associated with plugins
- "sh" for a shell script is the most commonly used
- "echo" prints a string
- environment directive sets EVN vars and they are available from the scope where they are defined:
environment { ENV_VAR = "my value" }
- Use Groovy lint in your IDE
- How to use Pipeline
- Pipeline stage view
- Folders
- How to control access to items in Jenkins with folders
- Referencing jobs in folders
- Parameters
- Setting up test automation in Jenkins against an uploaded executable
- Passing parameters between jobs
- Identifying parameters and how to use them: file parameter, string parameter
- Jenkins CLI parameters
- Associate the SSH public key with the user: Manage Jenkins - Manage Users - gear - SSH Public Keys
- Download the Jenkins client:
wget http://(jenkins_master):8080/jnlpJars/jenkins-cli.jar echo "JENKINS_URL='http://localhost:8080'" >> /etc/environment echo "alias jenkins-cli='java -jar jenkins-cli.jar'" >> ~/.bashrc <LOGOUT><LOGIN> the bash session jenkins-cli Usage: java -jar jenkins-cli.jar [-s URL] command [opts...] args... Options: -s URL -i KEY -p HOST:PORT -noCertificateCheck -noKeyAuth jenkins-cli help
- Few different commands that are useful:
jenkins-cli who-am-i jenkins-cli build "Freestyles/My Freestyle Project" jenkins-cli version jenkins-cli shutdown jenkins-cli safe-shutdown jenkins-cli restart jenkins-cli install-plugin thinBackup -restart jenkins-cli console "Freestyle/My Freestyle Project" 51
- Promotions
- Promotion of a job
- Why promote jobs?
- How to use the Promoted Builds plugin
- Notifications
- How to radiate information on CD pipelines to teams
- Pipeline Multibranch and Repository Scanning
- Usage of Multibranch jobs
- Example for Java Project
- You can have conditions in the Jenkinsfile:
branch 'development' }
- When we have trunk branch where everyone pushes the code and then when tests are fine we want to promote to a different branch - we need to select "Multibranch pipeline"
- Name
- Display name
- Description
- Branch Sources
- Add source - Git <--not GitHub, because it uses HTTPS
- Project repository: git@...
- Credentials: jenkins
- Repository browser: githubweb
- URL: https://...
- Additional Behaviours
- Advanced:
- Include branches
- Exclude branches
- Property strategy - All branches get the same properties
- Add source - Git <--not GitHub, because it uses HTTPS
- Health Metrics
- [X]Recursive - individual projects will dictate the health
- Pipeline Libraries
- Pipeline Model Definition
- After you save, it is determining the available branches
- Disable the previous pipeline
- Add a new stage "Promote Development to Master"
agent { label 'apache' } when { branch 'development' } steps { sh 'git stash' <--stashing any local changes sh 'git checkout development' sh 'git pull origin' sh 'git checkout master' sh 'git merge development' sh 'git push origin master' }
- Change "when branch development" to "master"
- ENV var called ${env.BRANCH_NAME} is only available in multibranch pipeline project
- Use this ENV var to create subdirectories where artifacts will be stored (../rectangles/all/development etc.)
- Use "Scan Multibranch Pipeline" on the left pane
- Fully automated merge will be triggered after the development build is finished
- Scanning GitHub and Bitbucket Organization
- Scanning basic SCM repositories
- Usage of Multibranch jobs
- Pipeline Global Libraries
- How to share code across Pipelines
- library that has methods accessible amongst different projects
- extend the functionality of your pipeline
- Groovy/pipeline syntax
- Put a file "sayHello.groovy" inside jenkins-global-library/vars
def call(String name = 'you') { echo "Hello, ${name}" }
- To add it on the global level - Manage Jenkins - Configure System - Global Pipeline Libraries - Add
- Name
- Default version: master
- Load implicitly [X]
- Allow default version to be overriden [X]
- Retrieval method
- Modern SCM
- [X]GitHub
- Owner
- Scan credentials
- Repository: jenkins-global-library
- [X]GitHub
- Modern SCM
- Modify Jenkinsfile to invoke it
stage('Say Hello') { agent any steps { sayHello 'Lucian Maly' } }
- We can add it per specific project as well (!)
- Scripted pipeline is more flexible
call library script { def myLib = new linuxacademy.git.gitStuff(); echo "My Commit: ${myLib.GitCommit("${env.WORKSPACE}/.git")}" }
- Usages of the Shared Libraries
- Interaction with Folders and Repository scanning
- Security and Groovy sandbox
- How to share code across Pipelines
- Distributed builds architecture
- Fungible (replaceable) agents
- Master-agent connectors and protocol
- Option 1: Master initiated to Agent over SSH.
- Option 2: Agent initiated to Master over JNLP. In this case Master does not need network access to the Agent.
- Tool installations on agents
- Cloud agents
- Traceability
- High availability
- Other
Ways to visualise items
- Paramaterized Trigger Plugin + Conditional Build Step. Powerful. Hard to configure. No longer needed when using Jenkinsfile (Pipeline).
- Build Pipeline Plugin. A Jenkin View visualising connected jobs. Also, allows integrated manual steps. Again, not really needed when using Jenkinsfile (Pipeline).
- Pipeline Plugin. Aka Jenkinsfile. Define relationships between steps in a DSL
Cool plugins
- Jenkins Literate Plugin. Write jobs in Markdown
- Timestamper Plugin. Find out when something happened by logging time against each log record.
Groovy scripts