music tech and home studio stuff.
- linux studio computer setup
- my plugins and instruments
Mellotron emulation based on this patch converted to a camomile plugin (tested as a VST3 in Ardour).
You need to download and add the sounds from here as per these instructions
Here are my notes on using Camomile to create VST instruments and Effects plugins using pure data under the hood. This makes it really nice to collaborate on plugins.
- install linux
- my external usb sound card is class compliant and worked without drivers
- download and donate to Ardour
- install pure data eg
sudo apt-get install puredata
- install
sudo apt-get -qq update
sudo apt-get install -y libx11-dev libxrandr-dev libxinerama-dev libxcursor-dev libfreetype6-dev alsa libasound2-dev
git clone --recursive
cd Camomile
cd Dependencies/LibPdBuild/LinuxMakefile && cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release && cd ../../..
make -Release # I needed to use the release flag to get it too work later on
cd ./plugins
In ardour add PATH_TO/camomile/plugins/build
to the VST3 path and re-scan.
Add new plugins to the examples folder and re-run plugins/camomile
to re-generate the plugin.
- clone the repo
- add the plugins to ./plugins/examples and re-generate them
cd .. && ./camomile
- open the DAW and scan for VST3 plugins
- check the plugins show up in the menu system