This repository emulates various workloads against YugaByte DB. YugaByte DB is a multi-model database that supports:
- YSQL (Distributed SQL API with joins. Compatible with PostgreSQL)
- YCQL (Flexible-schema API with indexes, transactions and the JSONB data type. Roots in Cassandra QL)
- YEDIS (Transactional KV API with elasticity and persistence. Compatible with Redis)
The sample apps here have drivers compatible with the above and emulate a number of workloads.
Download yb-sample-apps JAR
$ wget -P target
For help, simply run the following:
$ java -jar target/yb-sample-apps.jar --help
You should see the set of workloads available in the app.
To get details on running any app, just pass the app name as a parameter to the --help
$ java -jar target/yb-sample-apps.jar --help CassandraKeyValue
1 [main] INFO com.yugabyte.sample.Main - Starting sample app...
Usage and options for workload CassandraKeyValue in YugaByte DB Sample Apps.
- CassandraKeyValue :
Sample key-value app built on Cassandra with concurrent reader and writer threads.
Each of these threads operates on a single key-value pair. The number of readers
and writers, the value size, the number of inserts vs updates are configurable.
java -jar yb-sample-apps.jar \
--workload CassandraKeyValue \
Other options (with default values):
[ --num_unique_keys 1000000 ]
[ --num_reads -1 ]
[ --num_writes -1 ]
[ --value_size 0 ]
[ --num_threads_read 24 ]
[ --num_threads_write 2 ]
[ --table_ttl_seconds -1 ]
You need the following to build:
- Java 1.8 or above
- Maven version 3.3.9 or above
To build, simply run the following:
$ mvn -DskipTests -DskipDockerBuild package
You can find the executable one-jar at the following location:
$ ls target/yb-sample-apps.jar
To docker image with the package, simply run the following:
$ mvn package
Below is a list of sample apps supporting a variety of workloads across YugaByte DB's APIs.
App Name | Description |
CassandraHelloWorld | A very simple app that writes and reads one employee record into an 'Employee' table |
CassandraKeyValue | Sample key-value app built on Cassandra with concurrent reader and writer threads. |
CassandraBatchKeyValue | Sample batch key-value app built on Cassandra with concurrent reader and writer threads. |
CassandraBatchTimeseries | Timeseries/IoT app built that simulates metric data emitted by devices periodically. |
CassandraEventData | A sample IoT event data application with batch processing. |
CassandraTransactionalKeyValue | Key-value app with multi-row transactions. Each write txn inserts a pair of unique string keys with the same value. |
CassandraTransactionalRestartRead | This workload writes one key per thread, each time incrementing it's value and storing it in array. |
CassandraStockTicker | Sample stock ticker app built on CQL. Models stock tickers each of which emits quote data every second. |
CassandraTimeseries | Sample timeseries/IoT app built on CQL. The app models users with devices, each emitting multiple metrics per second. |
CassandraUserId | Sample user id app built on Cassandra. The app writes out 1M unique user ids |
CassandraPersonalization | User personalization app. Writes unique customer ids, each with a set of coupons for different stores. |
CassandraSecondaryIndex | Secondary index on key-value YCQL table. Writes unique keys with an index on values. Query keys by values |
CassandraUniqueSecondaryIndex | Sample key-value app built on Cassandra. The app writes out unique string keys |
RedisKeyValue | Sample key-value app built on Redis. The app writes out unique string keys each with a string value. |
RedisPipelinedKeyValue | Sample batched key-value app built on Redis. The app reads and writes a batch of key-value pairs. |
RedisHashPipelined | Sample redis hash-map based app built on RedisPipelined for batched operations. |
RedisYBClientKeyValue | Sample key-value app built on Redis that uses the YBJedis (multi-node) client instead |
SqlInserts | Sample key-value app built on PostgreSQL with concurrent readers and writers. The app inserts unique string keys |
SqlUpdates | Sample key-value app built on PostgreSQL with concurrent readers and writers. The app updates existing string keys |
SqlSecondaryIndex | Sample key-value app built on postgresql. The app writes out unique string keys |
SqlSnapshotTxns | Sample key-value app built on postgresql. The app writes out unique string keys |