This is a machine readable version of the donations the parties in the German Bundestag received in 2011 + 2012.
As the different parties provided the data in diverging formats, I've spent some time on separating the bulk "Name, Address, Postcode, City" block into separate rows. A CSV contains tje donations of all parties in one year. Also company and person names have been consolidated via Google Refine, in order to avoid different names for the same entity.
The CSVs consist of the following columns: "jahr" (=year), "spender" (donor), "strasse" (street), "plz" (post code), "stadt" (city), "partei" (party), "betrag_EUR" (amount in EUR).
The file is separated with commas and encoded in UTF-8.
The source PDF -- with all the tables included as non-searchable images -- can be found at
- (2011)
- (2012, parliamentary parties)
- (2012, non-parliamentary parties).
The basic URL for the PDFs is
This data is made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License:
A human-readable summary can be found here: