Telegram bot that tracks appointments on GorZdrav and notifies the user
- Python >=3.11
- Postgresql
- Redis (optional)
The settings should be in the .env file or in the environment variables
- GORZDRAV_LOG_LEVEL - (str) Log level (debug, info, error) (default: INFO)
- GORZDRAV_USER_REDIS - (bool) Use redis (default: False)
- GORZDRAV_USE_WEBHOOK - (bool) Use webhook (default: False)
- GORZDRAV_CHECK_EVERY - (int) Check appointments every (VALUE) minutes (default: 5)
- GORZDRAV_ADMINS - (list of int) List of bot admins' IDs (default: [])
- GORZDRAV_BOT__TOKEN - (str) Bot token
- GORZDRAV_DB__HOST - (str) Database host (default: localhost)
- GORZDRAV_DB__PORT - (int) Database port (default: 5432)
- GORZDRAV_DB__USER - (str) Database user
- GORZDRAV_DB__PASSWORD - (str) Database password
- GORZDRAV_DB__DATABASE - (str) Database name
- GORZDRAV_REDIS__HOST - (str) Redis host (default: localhost)
- GORZDRAV_REDIS__PORT - (int) Redis port (default: 6379)
- GORZDRAV_REDIS__PASSWORD - (str) Redis password (default: None)
- GORZDRAV_WEBHOOK__DOMAIN - (str) Webhook domain ([:PORT])
- GORZDRAV_WEBHOOK__PATH - (str) Webhook path (default: /webhook)
- GORZDRAV_WEBHOOK__APP_HOST - (str) Webhook app interface (default:
- GORZDRAV_WEBHOOK__APP_PORT - (int) Webhook app port (default: 80)
git clone
cd gorzdrav_bot
Create .env file and fill it with the settings
Run docker compose up -d
If you`re using Traefik as the reverse proxy, check the network and the certificate resolver in compose.taefik.yaml
Run docker compose -f compose.yaml -f compose.traefik.yaml up -d