To install the package, make sure you have devtools
(by doing install.packages("devtools")
and then running
Note: the library is called lostruct
The example scripts in the directories above mostly work without the R package. To start using the code on your own data, have a look at these files:
A quick example : in four lines of code, reads in chromosome 22 from a TPED, and does local PCA.
Setting up the medicago data : after documenting where the data are from, does local PCA on a small subset of the whole dataset, to establish how the functions work.
Script for medicago analysis : an Rscript to run the same analysis on medicago data, varying various parameters by command-line options: run
Rscript run_on_medicago.R --help
for a list. -
Report summarizing an analysis : an Rmarkdown file that can be compiled with templater to produce visualizations of the results of the above.
- To use the functions to read in windows out of BCF file, you will need bcftools.
- To compile the example report, you probably want templater.
Also included is code we used to analyze the datasets in the paper (before the R package was written). The general order to see the code in each directory is
- recode : turn bases into numbers
- PCA : find local PCs
- distance : compute distance matrix between windows from local PCs
- MDS : visualize the result
There are standalone examples for each of the three datasets studied:
POPRES (Homo sapiens, SNP chip data from a few worldwide populations)
Chromosome 1 is the example given. See also popres_example.R for an example of some steps using the package.
- POPRES_SNPdata_recode12.R : recodes the TPED as numeric
- POPRES_cov.R : computes covariance matrix for the entire chromsome 1
- POPRES_PCA_win100.R : computes local PCs
- POPRES_jackknife_var.R : estimates SE of local PCs
- POPRES_distance.R : computes distance matrix from local PCs
- POPRES_MDS.R : finds and plots MDS visualization of distance matrix
DPGP (Drosophila melanogaster population genome project)
Chromosome 3L is the example given .
- DPGP_recode_and_cov.R : recodes data as numeric, removes individuals with more than 8% missing data, sites with more than 20% missing data, and computes whole-chromosome covariance matrix
- DPGP_PCA_plot.R : plots PCs for entire 3L
- DPGP_PCA_win103.R : computes local PCs along 3L in windows of 1000 SNPs
- DPGP_var_between_win.R : computes variance of PCs between windows
- DPGP_jackknife_var.R : does jackknife estimate of SE for PCs on windows of 1000 SNPs
- DPGP_distance.R : computes distance matrix from local PCs
- DPGP_MDS_1d.R : computes and plots MDS plots from distance matrix
- DPGP_get_extreme_points.R : identifies extreme points (with interaction)
- DPGP_combine_extremes_and_get_cov.R : combines each of three sets of extreme windows and computes covariances for each
Medicago (Medicago truncatula hapmap)
For Medicago, it calculates the pairwise distance for all 8 chromosome together and then apply MDS and use subset of the whole MDS result for each chromosome.
- : recodes VCF file as numeric
- Medicago_recode_and_cov.R : computes covariance matrix for (entire) chromosome 1
- Medicago_PCA_win104.R : computes local PCs for chromosome 1
- Medicago_distance_all_chr.R : computes a distance matrix from PC information
- Medicago_MDS.R : computes and plots MDS plots from the distance matrix
This method works through the genome doing something (PCA on the covariance matrix)
one window at a time. Because of this, it can be frustratingly slow to first load
the entire dataset into memory. There are several methods implemented here to avoid this;
for instance, vcf_windower()
which is used to compute PCs for the medicago data.
The interface is via a function that takes an integer, n
and returns a data frame of the genomic data in the n
th window.