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Quick Start(快速上手篇):Docker Ubuntu Image for Quick Local Dev

小小鲁班 edited this page Nov 30, 2019 · 1 revision

使用官方提供的 一键安装脚本,简化安装步骤,在本地通过使用 Docker+Ubuntu 镜像,即可快速安装+体验 鲁班H5


## #!zh
#           [鲁班H5] Ubuntu18.04 一键安装脚本

#           [本地一键安装步骤]
# docker pull ubuntu
# docker run -it -p 1234:80 -p 1235:1337  -v `pwd`:/app ubuntu
# wget -qO- | bash

#           [安装完成之后]
# 1. 鲁班后台
# 1.1 宿主机访问 [鲁班后台]:localhost:1234/admin,自定义配置账号密码,登录即可
# 1.2 配置相关权限,文档参见:

# 2. 鲁班前端
# 2.1 宿主机访问 「鲁班前端」:localhost:1234/main, 即可看到鲁班的前端了

#           [问题反馈]

# GitHub:


## !en:
#    One-Click Setup Script to Install Luban-H5 on Ubuntu 18.04

#         Step1: Download && Run the Script
# docker pull ubuntu
# docker run -it -p 1234:80 -p 1235:1337  -v `pwd`:/app ubuntu
# wget -qO- | bash

#          Step2: After the Script Runs
# 1. Luban H5 Admin
# 1.1 visit on your host machine:http://localhost:1234/admin,   custom the username and password, then login the admin
# 1.2 config the permission,see more here:

# 2. Luban H5 Front-End
# 2.1visit on your host machine :http://localhost:1234/main, enjoy it!

#           Feedback

# GitHub: