An enhanced version of python logging module:
- String interpolation supported
- SmartPrint: redirect from print expression to logging
def test_interpolation():
var1 = 123
var2 = 'abc'
var_complex = {'a':1, 2:'c', 3:[1,'a','b','c']}
log.warn("str:[[var1]], [[var2]]") # => str:123, abc
log.warn("repr:{{var1}}, {{var2}}") # => repr:123, 'abc'
log.fatal("str with name:[[var1?]], [[var2?]]") # => str with name:var1:123, var2:abc
log.critical("repr with name:{{var1?}}, {{var2?}}") # => repr with name:var1:123, var2:'abc'
log.warn("complex: {{ var_complex? }}") # => complex: var_complex:{'a': 1, 2: 'c', 3: [1, 'a', 'b', 'c']}
log.warn("tee to stdout: [[var2]]", tee_stdout=True)
def test_print():
abc = 1234
print "hello",
print 'world',
print '...' # => NOTSET hello world ...
print "info, this is info {{abc?}}" # => INFO info, this is info abc:1234
print "error, this is error" # => ERROR error, this is error
The log level will be guessed according to first printed word.
String interpolation also works, and you can override default log level temporarily:
def test_print2():
a='local value test'
d= {1:2,3:None, '5':[7]}
print "hello2, {{a?}}" # => WARNING hello2, a:'local value test'
print "info2, this is info, {{d?}}" # => INFO info2, this is info, d:{1: 2, 3: None, '5': [7]}
print "error2, this is error" # => ERROR error2, this is error
SmartPrint will not works in very complex situations:
- nested function
- nested ", tee_stdout=True)
- Python2.x only, never tested on Python 3.x(And SmartPrint will definitely not working in Python3.x)
def func(bla bla bla) ...
def func(bla bla bla) ...
print "This will work"
def func_nested(bla bla bla)...
print "This will not"