Calculator App made with Flutter for the Web-Based Mobile Application course at Petra Christian University made by Calvert Tanudihardjo, NRP: C14190033
Run this command on this repository directory
flutter build appbundle --target-platform android-arm,android-arm64
The calculator is available in Dark and Light mode. The UI is inspired from julvikramsupandi.
An error message will be displayed using Snackbar at the bottom of the screen.
The result page will appear when the user presses the '=' button to display the calculation results inputted by the user. Expression are calculated with the math_expressions library.
The results of calculations inputted by user will be stored in the form of Map<String, String> and displayed on the History page.
User can delete one of the calculation results by swiping to the right on the specified calculation result, then an Alert Dialog will appear to confirm. If the user chooses to delete, a SnackBar will appear at the bottom of the screen as confirmation.