Running neural network on IOS(version 10.0 or newer) use GPU (support Keras model)
- Use GPU running neural network, improve performance and save more phone battery.
- Support convert and running keras model.
- No need import any framework just Apple's MetalPerformanceShaders and Metalkit.
- Quick Start: Using SimpleNN to do image classification
- Quick Start2: Using SimpleNN to do object detection
- Convert and Using keras model in SimpleNN
- Convert my own keras model
- SimpleNN: Basic API
- Support keras layer
- Support keras model
- my environment
- python 3.6.3
- Keras-2.2.4
- tensorflow 1.13.0-dev20181205
- Xcode 10.1
- iPhoneXR with IOS 12.1.2 && iPad Air 2 with IOS 10.3.2
- swift 4.2
- ToDo
- Support more keras model and layers
Recently Change (CHANGE LOG)
- V0.2 support keras yolov3 model, reference from keras-yolo3
- V0.1 support some keras imageclassfication model: Mobilenet\ MobilenetV2\ Xception\ InceptionV3
- V0.1 support some keras layer list
- Github: A neural network toolkit for Metal
- Keras
- Yolov3