Releases: lunelson/homework
Releases · lunelson/homework
Release 2.0.0-beta.5
- fix word-break, -wrap, overflow-wrap, and hyphens reset (2d02873)
Release 2.0.0-beta.4
- save notes on columns (9bcfcb9)
- expand "order-" util classes (787f65d)
- revert stack child width control to simpler (3288bb7)
- move bp specific wrap classes inside @media block (2539e62)
- make span class width styles importnat (4c59997)
- fix embed reset (64ce9a6)
- restore connection to --font-size (105cbfa)
- tentative test div styling (000b16f)
- fix case of mcol > span-(n) (3d64adc)
- change naming to global-columns, local-columns, multi-columns (8c2f33d)
- comment out implicit spanning code (24850e7)
- add .start-(s).end-(e) span props (c0bd951)
- remove theme notes from block comment (5fc3db0)
- add implicit spanning, even if limited (7e504c3)
- proxy strategy is working (cb14daf)
- --row-span should fallback to 1 (f11504d)
- more todo updates (4d667e7)
- add target pseudo class to theme states (1910bc1)
- stub lh- and ls- modifier classes in typo (53edf36)
- replace width: initial usage, which doesn't work (1fce2ae)
- init the mcol-flow base class, prepare columns further testing (46c5930)
- cleanups and adjustments (1fd290e)
- resolve typo changes WRT removing font-size (5cc129a)
- add mcol-flow, remove start/end base classes (db0299c)
- clean / update u- files (b0f9a81)
- typo test suites 1 and 2 (fc63e19)
- remove unnecessary assignment of font-size (3c4d61c)
- make outer class styles important (d30a26c)
- change theme setup to use hsl basis (a62eba7)
- typo testing round 1 (f5c4af7)
- remove font-feature-settings in typo code (926e7cf)
- rename visual test dir; remove all the fonts (3d634df)
- refactor setup typo, draft new testing TODOs (daa281e)
- change 'theme' to 'key' in classes; rough in more changes (45097c7)
- update TODO (8a70e30)
- delegate base-class to state-base-class (7129485)
- move max-width into flow>*; outline potential start-end-(s)-(e) pattern (5002606)
- reasonable wrap and basic peel; clean up frame/bleed (4781164)
- update stack setup to new pattern WRT base class (9f973e9)
- update inner tests (e1beac8)
- update TODOs (f5d4551)
- add mod-suffix function, remove dead code (dbbc80a)
- fortify setup-inner (9a2a6d7)
- move the column/page break classes to utilities (8ffc1a1)
- simplify and fortify column setup (f90d2c4)
Release 2.0.0-beta.3
- diverse fixes, removals (c9436de)
- revert to more restrictive, verbose state-base-class pattern for theme (8ac3580)
- cleanups (6851476)
- restore opacity classes in theme (24df620)
- delete debug of pair lists (110b6ca)
- resolve failing test after sass pkg upgrade (01f3291)
- clean the output from setup-typo a bit (cd924a6)
- large refactor of theme (29ad051)
- clean-ups and consolidations (62d3a9b)
Release 2.0.0-beta.2
- move custom reset to reset-custom (0f30c99)
Release 2.0.0-beta.1
- diverse moves and renames; ready to start beta (7b82279)
Release 2.0.0-alpha.5
- update stack gap variation logic to include plain classes (f45b623)
Release 2.0.0-alpha.4
getting there...
- update test setup, update all renders and snapshots f3a3cce
- add max-width to span base-class 94185df
- setup notes 972c63e
- todos re tests 59463ab
- revert [font].trim to .trim > [font] d350de0
- doc and todo updates f94eef4
- add important declarations to grid classes, where they might collide with utils/objects 4df36fa
- make .plain typo styles only affect direct children 5e96e54
- change offset-baseline/-capline to dist-baseline/-capline e65ee98
- update ava config again, do some scratch tests 003ca4f
- add .nowrap class, even though it doesn't work 023ffb7
- make .trim class a co-class for f- variants 063c83e
- fix CP referneces in basis Grid 7358010
- fix inner-y prop generation 2955f51
Mostly solid 😬
- complete move to ava testing setup 20b4b88
- move to automatic AVA testing! 84206ca
- tryout extension hooks c037cc8
- passed snapshots 0f1f6a8
- hoooly shit many changes, mostly grid setup 3303d73
- split tests in to separate files; prefigure renames atomic -> inner; helper -> general 0588470
- move width/height from atomic to helper, re-jig ava tests to keep them separate 0063e4f
- remove legacy checks and functions wrt grid 4591652
- adjust typo defaults ffef8ef
- theme CP name adjustments a6d60d1
- clean up core defaults and functions, remove modern checks 9a4d49c
- update stack test for recent changes a8eda5a
- fix stop padding value on setup b7b8707
- todo re deep merge ae8f1c3
- update reset to use destyle bfc1613
- add .flex-stack case bd15333
- change some basis defaults 6e86a88
- resolve selector building in typo, fix some theme and stack shit 05cf84b
- update font configuration names, add tests and new functions in prep for selector-combine usage 6bed568
- start documenting custom props, refactor setup typo to use global props dd1bd09
- make sure typo defaults always have units c802879
- final draft, new setup-typo logic and validations 943b2ca
- fix output for now, update snapshots f9ebffe
- add some docz 3bb54ed
- revamp typo config names and CP logic 3f01154
- fix failing tests WRT new core reference key check 25d0a89
- resolve theme color scale generation, and core vs root 8fa34bc
- theme WIP: all done but shadows 4a98976
- massive theme WIP: add bd, ol, fill, stroke; rename CPs 1f5578d
- change debug toggle keys to shift ctrl D instead of option 8f80a31
- fix width on span classes. copy/paste mistake 39cf15f
- have all m- and p- classes run by custom props 26465f0
- make default lite/dark colors less extreme 4fc7299
- delete legacy code from typo + various reworks bf86bdb
- let stack revert to block not flex col b778eca
- revised cell output, grouped by span, start, end 4ac7b39
- split cell setup from grid, create start/end classes 9154815
- todo re hover 18aff30
- add the setup outline in to README, as starter for DOCS 419cffc
- more todos 33debeb
- fix setup mixin name references 24a6030
- add some TODOs ae9cd73
- put sketch file back in icloud ffs 253542e
- add in new helper classes ec5a0d0
- LAST LEGACY CODE; new naming and separation 1ec40cf
- add .skip class to TODO 7e65f90