HTTP proxy that uses trufflehog's engine to find credentials.
Clone this repo and then run the following commands to build for your current OS:
# Move into the truffleproxy directory
cd truffleproxy
# Update all the modules
go get -u ./...
# Build the binary
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -ldflags "-s -w" -trimpath
Once the binary is compiled, you can use truffleproxy to to generate certificates.
./truffleproxy cert
2023/07/28 12:54:04 Successfully wrote private key: ./truffleproxy.key
2023/07/28 12:54:04 Successfully wrote certificate file: ./truffleproxy.crt
Or you could create the certs manually using openssl
openssl genrsa -out truffleproxy.key 2048
openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp384r1 -out truffleproxy.key
openssl req -new -x509 -sha256 -key truffleproxy.key -out truffleproxy.crt -batch -days 365
Once the cert is created, you will need to import the truffleproxy.crt
file into your browser in order to intercept HTTPS connections.
There are a few options you can use when running truffleproxy.
HTTP proxy that uses trufflehog's engine to find secrets
truffleproxy [command]
Available Commands:
cert Create a new private key and certificate file
help Help about any command
proxy Start the HTTP proxy
scan Scan a single URL
version Print the version
-h, --help help for truffleproxy
Use "truffleproxy [command] --help" for more information about a command.
The proxy command has multiple options:
Start the HTTP proxy in order to analyze the responses and check for secrets
truffleproxy proxy [flags]
-c, --cert string Certificate file to use (default "truffleproxy.crt")
-e, --exclude string File containing domains to exclude
-h, --help help for proxy
-k, --key string Key file to use (default "truffleproxy.key")
-l, --logfile string Log file to write to (default: none)
-o, --only-verified Only output secrets that were verified
-p, --port int Proxy port to listen on (default 9090)
-s, --scanners string Specify the scanners to use in a comma separated list (default all)
-b, --verbose Output all URLs that are being scanned not just ones identified as having secrets
-v, --verify Verified identified secrets
You can run the following command to start the proxy on the default port (9090), verify secrets it identifies, and skip checking certain domains.
./truffleproxy proxy --verify --exclude excludedomains.txt
The excludedomains.txt file contains a list of domains to skip
Below are a few repos that contain sample keys/credentials you can test with.
You can see truffleproxy identifies the secrets when browsing the the pages through the proxy. It also returns "verified" as "false", stating that the key is not valid.
./truffleproxy proxy --verify --exclude excludedomains.txt
{"level":"info","timestamp":"2023-08-07 21:44:37.465","msg":"started truffleproxy"}
{"level":"info","timestamp":"2023-08-07 21:44:37.465","msg":"loaded certificate and key file"}
{"level":"info","timestamp":"2023-08-07 21:44:37.465","msg":"loaded domains to exclude","domains_loaded":10}
{"level":"info","timestamp":"2023-08-07 21:44:37.466","msg":"loaded scanners","num_scanners":748}
{"level":"info","timestamp":"2023-08-07 21:44:37.466","msg":"verify secrets","verify":true}
{"level":"info","timestamp":"2023-08-07 21:44:37.466","msg":"verbose output","verbose":false}
{"level":"info","timestamp":"2023-08-07 21:44:37.466","msg":"starting proxy server","address":":9090"}
{"level":"warn","timestamp":"2023-08-07 21:44:55.463","msg":"secrets found","url":"","scanner":"aws","value":"AKIA01JDFHS8CDS82AAA","verified":false}
{"level":"warn","timestamp":"2023-08-07 21:44:55.463","msg":"secrets found","url":"","scanner":"aws","value":"AKIA01JDFHS8CDS82AAAJzXPbtuH2I26L5ilEziVM18Ecd1EW0t2AIjaJIht","verified":false}
{"level":"warn","timestamp":"2023-08-07 21:44:55.463","msg":"secrets found","url":"","scanner":"github","value":"ghp_q6yv2mqrgewsuuvzcvqldsi4detvof4r5bse","verified":false}
{"level":"warn","timestamp":"2023-08-07 21:44:55.463","msg":"secrets found","url":"","scanner":"mailchimp","value":"e3a648d99c398572dec8a7650c92d1c0-us16","verified":false}
{"level":"warn","timestamp":"2023-08-07 21:44:55.463","msg":"secrets found","url":"","scanner":"stripe","value":"rk_live_WXMzpZg9ueNeYNsKhDmQW6Yj","verified":false}
{"level":"warn","timestamp":"2023-08-07 21:44:55.463","msg":"secrets found","url":"","scanner":"mailgun","value":"key-06b34653fd57060f62e4475450ccf053","verified":false}
This tool should be considered research and should not be used maliciously. Any identified secrets should be properly disclosed to the owner. The author does not take responsibility for it's use.
I wanted to give credit to trufflehog for initially creating their tool and all of the contributors who have added the different secret detectors.