I'll update this project when I have time
This WPF ToDo application is a simple yet powerful task management tool built using the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) framework. It allows users to create, edit, delete, and manage their to-do items in a modern and user-friendly interface. The application also supports data persistence, saving tasks to an XML file.
- Add ToDo Items: Easily add new tasks with a title, description, and completion status.
- Edit ToDo Items: Edit existing tasks by modifying the title, description, or completion status.
- Delete ToDo Items: Remove tasks that are no longer needed.
- Mark Tasks as Completed: Check off tasks as they are completed.
- Auto-Save: The application automatically saves tasks before closing, ensuring that no data is lost.
- Modern UI: The interface uses a card-based design with smooth scrolling and a clean layout.
- Data Persistence: ToDo items are saved to an XML file and loaded when the application starts.
To run this application on your local machine, follow these steps:
- Clone the Repository:
git clone https://github.com/lul-v3/ToDo.git
- Open the Project:
- Open the project in Visual Studio 2022 or later.
- Build the Solution:
- Build the project by selecting "Build > Build Solution" or pressing "Ctrl+Shift+B".
- Run the Application:
- Start the application by selecting "Debug > Start Debugging" or pressing "F5".
- Add a Task: Click on the "Add ToDo" button and enter the task details in the dialog that appears.
- Edit a Task: Click on the "Edit" button next to a task to modify its details.
- Delete a Task: Click on the "Delete" button next to a task to remove it.
- Complete a Task: Check the checkbox next to a task to mark it as completed.
- Save Data: The data is saved automatically when you close the application.
- WPF UI: Special thanks to the WPF UI library for providing the modern interface components.
If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out to me at contact@lulv3.com.