Note: at the moment Herd requires Play 1.2 which does not work on Java 8, so proceed with Java 7. We are going to move it to Play 1.3 as soon as possible to fix that.
- Download Play Framework 1.2.7 and install it
- Clone the Herd repository
- Open a shell and go to the
directory you just cloned - Run
play dependencies
to download the required modules - Create your Postgres DB
- sudo su - postgres
- createuser -PSRD ceylon-herd
- enter
as password when prompted - createdb -O ceylon-herd -E utf8 ceylon-herd
- exit
- Run the application
- play run
This can only be done by hand for now:
- Pick a (dummy temporary) password
- Hash it with BCrypt (for example, online at or other locations)
- Copy the resulting BCrypt Hash
- Don't worry about giving your password online, just pick a dummy temporary password and you can change it later in Herd.
- Open a
console to your database:psql -h localhost -U ceylon-herd
- Add your user (as admin)
INSERT INTO user_table (id, email, firstname, admin, lastname, isbcrypt, password, status, username) VALUES ((select nextval('hibernate_sequence')), '', 'FirstName', true, 'LastName', true, 'YOUR_BCRYPT_HASH', 'REGISTERED', 'UserName');
- You can now log in and change your password using the UI
This can only be done by hand for now:
- Register your user at http://localhost:9000/register
- See in the logs in the console what your activation link is, and follow it (in DEV mode no mail is sent)
- Complete your registration
- Open a
console to your database:psql -h localhost -U ceylon-herd
- Set yourself as admin
UPDATE user_table SET admin = true WHERE username = 'your-user-name';
- If you get the error
FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "ceylon-herd"
look here for a possible solution
- Create a new Java Project using existing sources of
- Create a
User Library
forPlay 1.2
- Add the
- Add every
- Add the
- Add the
Play 1.2
User Library to theceylon-herd
project build path
The content of this repository is released under AGPLv3 as provided in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code, with the following clarifications.
The AGPL does not extend to the files in the public/ directory. Such files are licensed as indicated in the file or else are dedicated to the public domain to the maximum extent possible under applicable law.
The AGPL does not extend to any dependencies that we do not distribute in our github repository or which are indicated in our github repository as being under some other license, even if AGPL-compatible. For example, if you create and publicly deploy a modified version of Ceylon Herd that is based on the Play framework, the AGPL does not extend to any of the dependencies that make up the Play framework.
Compliance with the source code requirements of section 13 of AGPLv3 is satisfied by storing your modified version in a public revision control repository and prominently providing your users with notice of the location of this repository.