mkdir openlaw-api-tutorial cd openlaw-api-tutorial truffle unbox react
Test the Truffle’s React Box in Ganache
run ganache
update files
- truffle-cofig.js (add network config host: "", port: 7545,)
- client/src/utils/getWeb3.js (line 29)
Migrate account in Metamask with Ganche mnemonic
Contract compilation and deploy
truffle compile truffle migrate --reset
Run Dapp
on /client folder npm run start
OpenLaw template name: “Sale Agreement - LV”
Once the Truffle’s React Box works follow this tutorial:
OpenLaw — Build a complete Dapp with the OpenLaw API + Truffle + React.js.
In the .env file create a MNEMONIC and INFURA_API_KEY variable. It should be your own mnemoic and Infura API Key (Note: do not put quotes around the mnemonic).
If there is an error when compiling the contract with truffle-hdwallet-provider, try to execute this: npm install truffle-hdwallet-provider instead of this: npm install truffle-hdwallet-provider@web3-one
Contract compilation and deploy
rm -r build/ truffle compile truffle migrate --reset --network rinkeby
- Run Dapp
on /client folder npm run start
Test Data
Seller Ethereum Address 0xE91B4c3F95DFe54c18874771C7d1C9EE3AE00b8f
Buyer Ethereum Address 0xFE3e5D87904EC3A15020232C88b653a997Ffaad0