=== Master Course Date Subtitle (for Sensei) ===
Contributors: Luis Rock
Tags: course, sensei, subtitle
Requires at least: 4.0
Tested up to: 4.6
Stable tag: trunk
License: GPL v.3.0
License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
Add "Updated in [date]" as a Sensei course subtitle, on the frontend, whenever a lesson is published.
== Description ==
Every time a lesson is published (or updated, depending on the settings you choose), the related course page will show a subtitle saying "Updated in [date]", with a link to the same lesson. You can customize the phrase ("Updated in...") . Course backend page will have a metabox, so you can manually insert another date to show.
== Installation ==
- Install and activate, as usual.
- Go to Settings -> Master Course Date Subtitle for Sensei, define your basic settings and save.
- Next time you publish (or update) a lesson, the page for the related course will soh the subtitle.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
No question yet.
== Changelog ==
1.0 - Initial release