Allows to retrieve and save Shared Preferences in a simpler way (using SPref lib) with RxJava / RxAndroid goodies
compile 'com.github.luispereira:rxspreflib:0.2.0'
repositories {
jcenter() //or mavenCentral()
In order to initialize the library, the following must be applied
public class SampleApplication extends Application {
private RxSPref sPref;
private static SampleApplication sInstance;
public void onCreate() {
sPref = RxSPref.init(this).buildSettings();
//name() to provide the name of the shared preference
//provideDefaultFile() to provide a default settings file to merge without overriding
public RxSPref getPref() {
return sPref;
Then the user can manage the SharedPreferences the way we want by using e.g.
SampleApplication.getInstance().getPref().write(KEY, VALUE).subscribe();
Or, to retrieve:
//retrieve() from string observable
//retrieveAsBoolean() for boolean observable
//retrieveAsList() for a generic list observable
//retrieveAsFloat() for a float obserable
//retrieveAsLong() for a long observable
The user can always remove a shared preference:
//removeAll() to remove all shared preferences
As in SPref, RxSPref also allows encryption on String preferences.
You can always use the API method to encrypt always all String keys:
Or you can Encrypt the String whenever you like by calling:
And to save:
writeEncrypted(KEY, VALUE);
RxSPref is base on SPref as you can check the repository here: