Virtual Notebook | ORI | Leisure |
Currently a High School senior, taking electrotechnology vacational program.
I am interested in physics (mainly particle physics and quantum mechanics), and computer science (mainly free software).
This is the main page of the website, therefore it makes sense to be the center of the webiste. Any action you can perform in the website, has a start here.
At the top header, you can see a collection of links you can click on. You can also check out the portuguese version of it (coming soon!).
In ”Virtual Notebook” I host my own virtual notebook, with notes on subjects I studying either alone or in school. It can be a great source of information if you are someone like me :)
“ORI” is something I set up to share scientific material I am working on. It is open so anyone can read it, and may contribute to his or my research.
In ”Leisure” you can find lists I set up to watch movies and the arrowverse. As well as all the books I’ve been reading since 2022.
Feel free to share this webpage, modify it and create your own version (and even use it commercially according to the license)
This webiste was written in org-mode using doom emacs and its function of exporting to html, counting on readtheorg theme’s help.
You can find this whole webiste’s source code on github.